"Look, can we talk? Somewhere a bit more...private?" he asked.

"This is a surfing competition. It's not the most private setting," I mumbled and began to walk away. If all he had to say was "nice rash guard," then I didn't want to be apart of the conversation that was about to happen. I needed to stay focused on today, not be distracted by something from my past.

"Brooke, please," Sean said as he grabbed my wrist and swung me around to face him. The proximity of our lips were dangerously close and my gut longed for his touch. His hand around my wrist was electric enough, but feeling his warm breath against the tip of my nose was just....


I snapped myself back to reality. I put some distance between us and regulated my breathing. He could not have that kind of effect on me. I would not let him.

"What would we talk about? I'm a little busy, if you haven't noticed," I said in a smooth voice. I was impressed with how cool I could be if I wanted to.

Sean ran his fingers through his hair, visibly anxious.

"Can you spare a minute of your time to talk about us, please?" he said.

Us? My heart jumped.

I had two options. I could take Sean up on his offer and hear him out, potentially spiraling down the rabbit hole once again and risking getting hurt. Or, I could avoid all prospect of pain and go back to Amy and my family and enter this surfing competition forever wondering what it was Sean wanted to say.

I hated emotions, sometimes.

"Fine. Only a minute," I said. His face lit up. He reached for my hand, but I snatched it away. He was not going to pretend like everything was fine. I would not allow it. He looked upset by my rejection, but he began to walk towards the tall grass separating the parking lot and the beach.

I followed him as he began to walk off the beaten bath towards a couple of large rocks. Once we were past them, Sean sat against one of them, kicking his shoes off and running his feet through the sand.

"I hate shoes," he mumbled. "Too constricting."

I sat down next to him but kept my distance. As I said, I did not need any distractions influencing my judgment, especially when we were going to be talking about "us". Funny. I didn't even know there was an "us" anymore.

"Your minute is dwindling," I prompted as another moment of silence passed between us. Sean sighed in frustration and ran his hand through his hair again.

"I don't even know what to say, Brooke. I've never done anything like this before."

"What, talk to a girl before?" I teased. Sean rolled his eyes.

"Funny, but no," he said, once again struggling with his words.

He dropped his eyes to the ground, drawing random circles into the sand while he fidgeted with his mouth.

"I've never begged for a girl to take me back before," he said, barely more than a whisper.

The blood was pumping through my body so hot and so fast I thought I was going to faint. Did I even hear that right?

"Wait," I said, holding my hands up and letting out a small laugh. "Sean Parker, Mr. Schoolwide Player himself, is doing what?" I was genuinely speechless. I was not expecting this at all.

"I'm serious, Brooke. I was a jerk to you at school that one day. I felt awful walking away from you. I felt like I turned into..." he sighed in frustration as he continued to search for words.

The Surfer's HeartWhere stories live. Discover now