And then it stopped. He didn't know exactly when, but he lay there for some time, waiting for the next wave of heavy sadness or intense pleasure, but it never came. He sighed in relief, ready to leave already and go see Dan, forget about this whole thing.

  He opened his eyes weakly as the Highers all surrounded him once again, and almost shouted with joy as they unlocked the binds that were tying him down.

  "The ritual has been completed." One of them said. " Lorem ipsum dolor sit mundus in infinitum."


  Dan's POV

  Where the hell was he? It had been three days, way past the time he should be here.

  Dan had been pacing his room all night and day today, waiting and waiting for Phil to show up, and he was growing ever anxious as the minutes, and hours ticked by. It really shouldn't take this long, had something happened to him?

  Even after PJ and Chris had payed him a visit last night, he hadn't gone to sleep at all. His brain was on overdrive, worrying himself to death. He just wanted this all to be over, so that he could hug his boyfriend again, just touch him and know he was alright.

  He stopped in the middle of the room, staring intently at the door handle and willing it to turn, and to his surprise, it did. The door swung open, and oh jesus, he was staring into the blue depths of Phil's eyes, he'd almost forgotten how mezmerising they were.

  He didn't have any time to say anything, because suddenly, Phil had launched himself across the room and into Dan's arms, burying his face into Dan's chest. Dan pulled him as close as possible, resting his face into Phil's dark hair. He'd missed this man so fucking much, he wasn't surprised to see he was trying not to cry.

   They stood like that for such a long time, and Dan never wanted to move, but he could feel Phil's shoulders shaking and he was obviously sobbing into Dan's shirt.

"You don't know how much I missed you, Dan." He said, his voice thick with emotion, and Dan's heart wrenched. "It was horrible, what they did, I couldn't take it. You were right."

  "I'm sorry..." Dan whispered, and nuzzled his nose against Phil's neck, trying to calm him down.

  Suddenly, Phil pulled away, and they were kissing, like they hadn't seen each other in years. He was still crying, but he didn't let go, clinging desperately to Dan as if he would disappear at any second.

  It was rough and it was fast, but it was also so full of love that it made Dan lightheaded with the feeling. He could practically taste Phil's need and desperation, and put as much reassurance into that kiss as possible.

  Phil pulled away just as quickly, their foreheads still touching and both of them short of breath.

  "I....I need you, Dan." He whispered, so quietly that Dan almost didn't hear him, but he nodded and started trailing his lips across Phil's jawline and to his neck.

  Phil leaned his head back, so that Dan could have more access to the sensitive skin, and moaned softly as his tongue trailed across it. He pushed Dan's shirt up slightly, and dragged his nails up, scratching lightly at his exposed skin and smiling when he heard Dan groan at the feeling. He pushed Dan away, but only so he could take off both of their shirts, and they were at it again, attaching their lips recklessly and grabbing at any bit of chest or back available.

  Dan pushed Phil back, so that he lay on the smallish bed on his back, staring up at Dan with his blue eyes darkening lustfully. Dan growled and climbed ontop of him, kissing along his hips slowly, licking his v-line and teasing at the waistband of his jeans. Phil curled his fingers into Dan's hair, trying not let out any sounds, but failing as Dan used his hands to make up for where his mouth wasn't.

  The room was overheating, as they got more erotic in their actions, and the silence was punctuated by the occasional moan, or muffled scream as Phil was turned onto his stomach.

  They couldn't get enough of each other, and they kept coming back to each other again and again, throughout the day and far into the night. It didn't matter if they were tired and covered in sweat, it was worth it, having to spend so long away from each other, and finally being able to reaqquaint.

  As the night slowly started fading into dawn, and Phil had collapsed, falling asleep instantly, Dan was awake still, holding him and going over everything that had happened happily. He was just so glad that Phil was back, and didn't seem too different.

  And as he drifted off slowly, he couldn't help but be grateful to the Highers, if only for an instant.


a/n: It hasn't been that long I know, but I had a break through last night (finally). And special thanks to everyone who was prepared to wait a long time for this, and all the support. Love you guys :3



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