Twenty Two

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Okay so I kinda forgot to mention this last chapter, but this is the last chapter! You guys are gonna hate me for the ending. Sorry beforehand. Really, sorry. Enjoy!

*But that tøp though ;)*



As soon as Phil left, Dan was tense. There was nothing like being in a room with the people you hated the most to set you on edge, right?

It was silent for far too long in Dan's opinion, and he was just about to break the quiet when one of the Highers spoke up first.

"We want to discuss the situation of Philip further with you, Dan." He said. This was the second time they'd called him that. "We've come to realize the your concern for him is enough to indulge you."

Dan let out a shaky breath. He'd really almost forgotten about his impromptu meeting with them earlier that week, and was planning to just move on. But if they were willing to tell him, he wasn't in the position to refuse. "W-what about him?" Dan said softly. He curled his hands into fists at his sides.

"First, we would also like to express our wishes for Philip to regain his normal state of mind." Another one continued, and Dan bit back the retort he so badly wanted to stab them with. "We realize that it wasn't a wise decision to leave him like that."

"You think?" Dan muttered, but they ignored him.

"And we know that withholding the information you asked for was an uncalled for action. You do have the right to know."

Dan waited, unconsciously holding his breath. His chest felt tight and his head was buzzing with all kinds of possibilities. What was it then? Why had they sliced into Phil like that, what possible explanation was there? He almost didn't want to know, cause it definitely couldn't be good.

"We needed his blood, Daniel." One to the far right said.

"Why?" Dan cut in aggressively. His blood? What the fuck did they need it for?

"It's special. You should know that." Right. Because he was- had been, an In Between.

"But that's not an excuse." He said angrily. "So what he's got special blood, why do you care?"

"We Highers aren't born, do you know that?" One asked. "We are made. We go through a ritual, just like new Reapers do. But ours is much different."

Dan had a weird twisting feeling in his stomach about where this was going.

"And that ritual required the blood of people like Philip. People like him are very rare to come by, Daniel, and it was by pure chance that you managed to bring him in. We're not exactly invincible, and our numbers were starting to dwindle. We needed to increase our ranks. And Philip was there."

"You had no fucking right." Dan hissed through r his teeth. "No right to do that to him without his permission or even letting him know about it. You see what it's done to him."

"We were unaware of the side affects of the process, truthfully." One said sounding almost sincere. "We only had our needs in mind."

"Course you did." Dan said haughtily. "You only think about what's good for you, and how things affect you. Because fuck everyone else, yeah? As long as you still stay on top." His hands were starting to shake, and he really wanted to throw something.

"We are truly sorry for not telling you before, but it was for the greater good."

"What greater good?" Dan said. "It's not a life or death situation, telling me why you did it. It just irritates me that you don't feel like I have a right to know."

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