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"Good work today!" The yakuza at the front gate shouted, bowing their heads at Zoro and Sanji in respect as they carried in more of their men.

There was a lot of them, more than Sanji could have anticipated, and they didn't stop coming. It was only their first day on the job and Sanji counted around thirty people they had either carried or walked into Whitebeard's compound. They had to do a bit of fighting with the police to get Whitebeard's men away but it was nothing they couldn't handle.

The bigger problem was Whitebeard's men. The yakuza were all far to stubborn and didn't want to leave their posts because they thought of that as giving up and failing their boss. It took Sanji a lot of effort to explain to them that it was Whitebeard who had sent them and wanted them back. That really cut back their effectiveness.

A couple maids and yakuza waited past the gates to treat their other members and explain the situation to them. Zoro and Sanji passed them and went into the main house to rest. Whitebeard had told them certain hours to work between and they were already well past them since their last trip took much more time then they thought.

The beautiful lady attending to them gave them dinner after they bathed and soon it was pitch black outside. Sanji laid out the futon and, just like last night, Zoro laid on top of the tatami mat.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Sanji called to Zoro.

"Shut up, curly brow," Zoro huffed.

"At least trade places with me," Sanji pleaded, reaching out to grab Zoro's shoulder but he moved out of the way."You should be sleeping on the futon with your injuries." Zoro had taken the brute of the fighting since most of the time Sanji was too busy trying to convince stupid yakuza to come with them.

Zoro suddenly shot up, glaring at Sanji."Don't tell me what to do!"

"You were willing to sleep with me yesterday, what's so different?" Sanji asked, only enraging Zoro further. He stood up, grabbing his swords and making to the door."Wait! Where are you going?!"

Zoro turned to Sanji, flames in his eyes."Out. Don't follow me." He slammed the fusuma behind him.


Zoro looked left and right, trying to decide which way to go. In the end, it didn't really matter since he had no real destination. He decided to go left, maze-like halls not deterring him as he walked down them with confidence.

Soon, he found himself outside walking along the patio facing the inner garden of the main house. He decided this was the best place to sleep so he sat down, only sound heard being fireflies lighting up the moonless night. Closing his eyes, he held his swords near him, attempting to sleep.

"What a nice night, even the fireflies decided to show up," a voice suddenly said from next to Zoro, making him open his eyes in alarm, opening a sword and preparing to fight.

Then he noticed the blond hair and sheathed his sword."Oh, it's just you, old man," he mumbled.

Marco's eyebrow twitched."It's Marco, not 'old man'."

Zoro peered at his face one more time."Pineapple?" he asked.

Marco just sighed."Anyways, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping so you're ready for tomorrow? Don't forget about your job," he chided.

"Shut up, old man," Zoro huffed, irking Marco yet again.

There was silence after that. It seemed to stretch for eternity as a certain calm started to take hold. Zoro enjoyed it, tempted to close his eyes until he remembered that he was with unknown company in unknown territory.

Patience. Patience.

"You're lonely, aren't you, Zoro?" Marco suddenly said, making Zoro tighten the grip on his sword."I noticed the moment I saw you. Why is that?"

Zoro stayed silent, glaring eyes warning Marco, yet the yakuza continued."I mean, if Luffy thought you great enough to be his nakama you are bound to know other people, so why are you still so lonely?"

Zoro suddenly grabbed Marco by the collar."Shut up, you don't know what you're talking about," he growled.

Marco was not deterred."What about that blond one you hang out with...Sanji, was it? What's your relationship with him?" Zoro faltered at the mention of the cook."I know you're partners but there seems to be more going on. What is it you're so afraid of, Roronoa Zoro?"

Zoro stood up, eyes dark as he pointed his blade at Marco's neck."Say one more word and I'll slit your throat," Zoro threatened, waiting as Marco reluctantly backed off. He then put his blade away, walking away to look for another spot it rest.

Marco couldn't help but chuckle."Looks like even he doesn't know."


Zoro was tense, stubborn, and didn't want to talk to anyone the rest of the job. He had also decided to go somewhere else to sleep every night and Sanji would find him snoring away in the most random spots in the morning.

Whitebeard paid them graciously for their work a couple days later and Ace followed his lead, tears in his eyes with each bill he forked over. Marco guided them out of their territory, Zoro glaring daggers at him the whole time. Sanji didn't bother to ask him why, to busy blissfully thinking about how great it would be to be able to cook in his own kitchen again.

He might've cooked a bit more than usual that night but he was happy to finally know that they had enough money to last a least another month. That was always worthy of celebration.

"Tonkatsu?" Zoro questioned as Sanji placed the dish before him.

"What? You got a problem?" Sanji asked back."Don't tell me you're going to say something about a meat craze again."

"No, it's just..." Zoro looked slightly confused as he spoke."You always cook Japanese."

"Ah, you noticed?" Sanji finally sat down across from Zoro, grabbing his chopsticks."Itadakimasu. You don't have a problem with it, right? I always make Japanese because I thought that was what you liked."

Zoro slammed his hands on the table, startling Sanji. He abruptly stood up, grabbing his swords and moving to the front door.

"Oi, where are you going?!" Sanji called, turning to look at Zoro.

Zoro didn't respond, slamming the door behind him. Sanji had to blink a couple times, not believing what he saw. No way could Zoro be blushing.

Tonkatsu (豚カツ) - breaded, deep-fried pork cutlet. The word Ton (豚) means "pork" and Katsu (カツ) is an abbriviation of the word Katsuretu (カツレツ) which means "cutlet". Tonkatsu usually uses pork loin or fillet and is breaded with panko (Japanese style breadcrumb made from white bread without the crust), typically served with lots of raw shredded cabbage.
Itadakimasu (ご馳走様でした) - a phrase used in typical Japanese dining etiquette. It is a polite and respectful form of "moraimasu" (to receive) or "tabemasu" (to eat). Its literal translation is "I humbly accept this meal". Itadakimasu expresses gratitude to the meal and the whole process of making the meal from hunting to cultivating each individual ingredient.

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