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"Anything on your end?" Sanji asked through the phone, peering though his binoculars. He chose to watch the back end of the building, which was relatively dark except for a small light next to the back door that needed replacement. He could still see somewhat clearly, having done this sort of work many times before.

"Ahh," a loud, drawn out sound groaned through the phone."I don't think so."

"'Don't think?!'" Sanji fumed."It's a simple yes or no question, shitty marimo! Did you see anything or not?"

Zoro rested back onto the tree he was camped at, making sure his swords were propped up next to him."This is stupid," he mumbled, crossing his arm and closing his eyes."I'm going to sleep."

"Don't sleep! We're getting paid for this!" Sanji practically screamed into his phone."Marimo! Listen!"

"Noisy," Zoro mumbled back, popping an eye open to close his phone before shutting them both again and getting himself comfortable.

Sanji cursed, snapping his own phone shut."You better hope they come out from my end or you're dead, idiot swordsman."


"Eh, so you didn't catch them?" Nami asked, shock running through her. She sat on the couch in their firm/living room where most clients rested when they came in with requests.

She, of course, was not their customer. Nami just liked to come by to hear what kind of jobs Zoro and he were working and occasionally request some kind of job out of him, since he usual gave in a did it for free. Sanji just couldn't resist such a beauty like Nami.

Sanji lit a cigarette, taking one long blow."Yeah, in the end I just wasted a night on nothing. Stupid marimo," he silently cursed to himself."So, I'll be needing Usopp's help again. Have him pull up security camera footage of outside the hotel for me."

Nami smiled, putting her thumb and pointer finger together in a circle."That would be $50 per night of footage. Would you like to pay now or once you get it?"

Sanji just sighed, of course she would do this, but she wouldn't be his precious Nami if she didn't."I should just start going straight to Usopp." He took another drag.

"Why would you do that? Usopp would never make you pay since he's a scaredy cat," Nami said, looking honestly confused at why Sanji would say such a thing.

"That's the point," Sanji simply said back, blowing some smoke away from Nami.

Nami ignored the comment."So?"

Sanji sighed."Let me go get the money." He put out his cigarette.

She let out a pleased sound, happily kicking her legs off the coffee table they were previously resting on."Thanks for doing business with me!"

"Anything for you, Nami-swan." Sanji smiled back, tossing her some cash."This should cover three nights worth of footage." Nami fingered though it, pleased.

She then put it away and looked to Sanji."Anyways, I don't get how you two are still in business. From what I've seen, you barely make enough money and all your jobs are pretty low pay. Plus, all I ever hear you do is complain about Zoro. You two barely get along."

"Really?" Sanji asked, going into the kitchen right next to their consulting room."I think we do alright."

"But are you happy?" Nami asked, moving into the kitchen along with him."You're an amazing cook, Sanji. Why not work for the bar? I mean, you've already subbed in for our cook many times before and everyone loves your food. Why not make it permanent?"

"So that's what this is about," Sanji mumbled, putting some sakuramochi he had made into a nice box."I thought I already said I wouldn't work for you. I'm happy just cooking for two...and Luffy, occasionally."

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