Chapter 6: Complications.

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Chapter 6: Complications.

"Where is she!" Joshua Moore yelled out in the streets. He and Alan Ruby had searched three blocks, knowing her life was in danger. They couldn't find her anywhere. 

"She can't have gone far," detective Ruby concluded. "And she knows the danger of getting out here with a killer on the loose. What was the thinking?"

"Why did she leave the police house" Moore yelled at Ruby through the masses of people shopping for Christmas presents. And it was only December third. 

"Wait," Alan yelled back. "My beeper just rang. They found Tonio's body."

"What should we do, then?"

"Christina is gone, for now. We'll have to go to Tonio's crime scene." 

The beeper beeped again. 

"Oh no!"


"David Emerson was at the police station. And he left after talking to Gérard. And Jason Ravens chased him. With a gun stolen from an officer."

"Oh God!"

"What do we do now?"

"We have no choice. We have to split up. You go to the crime scene, while I find the boys."



Alan Ruby picked up his phone and called Peyton Chamberlain. Joshua Moore ran back to the police house, and got the information he needed. In a nick of time, Peyton was driving Alan Ruby on their way to Soothville while Joshua Moore searched the streets for two boys and a gun. Joshua searched and searched, but couldn't find them anywhere. Why should every youth be so good at hiding? He ended up having to go back to the station, and gather the evidence from the case to create a time line.

Chamberlain and Ruby reached Soothville twenty minutes after the message. Two officers neither of the detectives knew, had secured the entrance of a dark, abandoned three-story building. They followed the detectives down to the basement. It looked like a torture chamber. 

The room was quite large, like a storage, but it was almost empty. On the far end of the room, four tables created a square with a hole in the middle. In the hole, Tonio lay, face down. His dark skin was colored reddish-brown due to the dried-out blood. He had a knife sticking out of his back, and had been stabbed multiple times. The tables were all bloody and messy, and the smell of blood filled the room. 

Chamberlain photographed the body and it's surroundings, and they turned the body. In opposition to TJ Dale, Tonio had his pants on when the detectives found him. This was relieving for both of them. But, he still missed his eyes, and the killer had pulled his right sleeve up to his shoulder, and cut out the muscle between the shoulder and the elbow. 

Doctor Stone barged in the door at that exact moment. He carried with him the bodybag and the suitcase containing every instrument he could need in an on-the-spot autopsy. He was followed by Neil Johnathon.

"What happened here?" he asked as he put on two blue rubber gloves. "This is the only body?"

"Yes," detective Ruby explained. "This is Tonio LeBlanc. Thaddeus Jasper's best friend. This is definitely a serial killer."

"Are the others in safety?"

"Not anymore? Christina Woodward, Jason Ravens and David Emerson all ran off from the Police House. One of the boys took a gun, too."

"They are in danger."

"Yes. What can you tell us about the murder?"

"Will do, give me five minutes. You search for other evidences in the meantime."

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