Some of My Favorite Gerard Way Quotes

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"Cats or get the fuck out"

"It's okay to love something a little too much, as long as it’s real to you."

"If Bandit {his daughter} dresses up as Captain Phasma for Halloween I will buy her that taser she has been asking for."

"I don't know why a 6 year old wants a taser but I won't rob a child of her dreams."

"If the world tells you to lengthen your shorts, you must shorten them"

"In other words, keep your bad vibes out of my cornflakes. I'm not interested."

"Fuck everyone who hates you, a smile is the best revenge."

"Shout out to all the positive people... F- it shout out to all the negative people too. You need the love most of all"

"I hope when Bandit is 15 she becomes my disinterested hacker sidekick that helps me break into government museums after hours."

"If people ever give you shit for being different, I want you to go up to them and tell them exactly who the fuck you are. We don't want you to change."

"You gotta remember the entire history of the universe, you're the only you that has ever existed and will ever exist. There's nobody in existence who is you and no one can ever see the world the way you see it and can tell the rest of us how it looks. And it might be so different and so beautiful that it changes everything."

"Lick that hand and stick it in a ziploc bag of fun dip you mad animal"

"So many people treat you like you're a kid so you might as well act like one and throw your television out of the hotel window."

"Be yourself, don't take anything from anyone, and never let them take you alive."

"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."

"It's more important to keep yourself alive. There's nothing worth hurting yourself over. I mean, I'm a person that goes through a lot of depression and stress and things like that. I'm generally happier these days. But I have, it's normal. It's completely normal to be depressed I think it's just important to keep yourself alive, you just stay fighting."

"You guys know what we do to unicorns, right? We cut of he head, bathe in the blood, and urinate on the body."

"I'm not psycho, I just like psychotic things"

"One day, your life is going to flash in front of your eyes, make sure it's worth watching"

"Just stay fighting. Because it actually isn't that bad. I mean, we started this band thinking that the world is just extremely ugly but I think now we realize that it's more beautiful than we thought."

"The thing about My Chemical Romance is that we never wanted to be cool."

"I am living proof that no matter how bad life gets, it gets better. I am Gerard Way, and I survived."

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