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Pharaoh's pov

As i walk to the chamber I'm thinking. "Dang i never would of thought he would warm up to me that fast."

"Who wouldn't warm up to you?" I turn to see my second in second in command, Alex.


"Oh hey Alex, and i was thinking about my newest imperial concubine His name is Aharon

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Oh hey Alex, and i was thinking about my newest imperial concubine His name is Aharon." Alex nodded.

"oh the one that was kicking and punching when i picked him up at the market?" I nodded and Alex laughed.

"He looked like the one who you will have earn something instead of him giving it freely." I groaned. Alex walked the opposite way of me.

Once i made it to my chambers i told a maid to bring Aharon to me. Not even 5 Minutes later The maids walk into my chamber with Aharon not far behind.

"My King we have  brought him," I nodded and they left. It was just Aharon and me in silence. That is until I got up and walked towards him, I grabbed him by the waist.

"Hey Ahraon i have a question?" He looked up at me and tilted his head slightly.

Ahron's pov

"Do you think i would top or would you ride me?" He smirked, I blushed and punched his chest.

"YOU WERE THERE?!?!?" He laughed and carried me to the bed.

"So what if i was and i also have another question?" I rolled my eyes and looked at him expecting a perverted question.

"Why did you look sad when i introduced the girls to you?" Shocked i looked up at him to see a serious expression. I looked away.

"w-what do you mean i wasn't sad you must of been mistaken." Of course knowing him he wasn't going to take that as an answer. Like i had expected he picked me up and slammed me against the wall.

"Now now lying isn't gonna get you anywhere so ill ask again why where you sad when introduced the ladies." After a moment of silence he continued.

"OHHHHHHH! You were jealous weren't you?" I felt my face get hotter so i looked away.

"you were..." Thinking he was mad at me i looked back about to deny what he said when his lips were on mine...

A/N Suffer the doom of thy cliffhanger

(I'm so evil)

He Belongs to PharaohHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin