Pouts and cuddles

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Aharon's POV

I woke up sore and in pain. I looked besides me to see Asmu and Asmi Sleeping cuddled together on the couch. I wish they were a couple but that would be treason against the Pharaoh. Asmu groaned and rubbed her eyes, opening them to peer down at a Sleeping Asmi.

Smiling she directed her gaze towards me.

"Oh! Your awake!" This caught the attention of Asmi as she yawned sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Yea I am... Can someone please tell me what happened?" Asmi and Asmu shared a look.

"The pharaoh Executed Akiiki..." Shock at this news that Asmu shared I gasped.

"Why?" Asmu had told me the reason why I was in bed with a bandage over my hip was because Akiiki threw a vase at me. I nodded now understanding why I was sore.

The door opened and in Came the Pharaoh. He sighed a breath of Relief as he saw that I was awake.

"I'm glad to see your awake." I pouted and looked the other way towards Asmu and Asmi who were laughing in their spots.

The Pharaoh whined." Why are you ignoring me." I didn't answer just turned my head more. Since I was free to get up and move around since my wound had closed up, I got up and walked pasted Pharaoh still not making eye contact.

As I walked to my chambers Pharaoh followed me asking what was wrong. I stopped and looked back at him.

"I'm upset that you locked me in a cell with a woman who could of killed us three, then you don't even check on us to see if we are okay! We could of been dead and you wouldn't have known!" Done talking I turned around and walked  towards my chamber. He grabbed my waist the pulled me back dragging me towards a door I know so well.

Opening the door to his chambers he closed them then turned to me hugging me close to him.

"I'm sorry..." Let me tell you hearing Pharaoh apologize is not something you hear everyday.

I sighed them jumped up to where I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Staring into his eyes I ask.

"What was the ring you gave me for?" Pharaoh seemed to remember he gave me a ring in the cell the only time he came to visit.

"That is an Egyptian ring given to the queen of the Pharaoh..." Then it dawned on me.

"Did... you just... proposed to me?" He nodded then looked away from me, a light red hue dusting his cheeks.

"Yes" Was my only answer. The pharaoh gave me a smile then leaned in...


Pharaoh and I laid in his bed out of breath and marked. I then remembered something.

Spinning to where I was straddling pharaoh with the blanket cushioned around my waist covering my self I rest my hand on his chest steading my self.

"I have a question?" He rested his hands on my waist and nodded letting me know I have his full attention.

"What is Asmu and Asmi where to become a couple." Pharaoh frowned.

"Are they hiding a relationship behind my back?" I shook my head no.

"It's just they would make a cute couple but I know that if they had a relationship then it would be treason to you... if you don't allow it. But if you do then It wouldn't be treason." He sighed

"Alright I will allow it but they will remain my imperial concubines so that they are guarantee their safety, on the other hand you have to repay me in a way..." I gulped as he sat up and facing me, he leaned forward and whispered in my ear. 

"Let me cuddle you." Shocked I looked at him with wide eyes. He stared at me.

"What?" I stared at him not breaking our eye contact.

"Oh. My. God. You just asked me something innocent. THE WORLD IS ENDING." He huffed then pulled me down to lay with him. Wrapping his arms around my waist he kissed my forehead before I fell asleep in his embrace

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