I'm Sorry!!!

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Hey lovelies! 

First off I'm so so so sorry it's been so long since the last update. To be honest I've been having a hard time with this book, mainly because I'm not sure where I want to take it. I don't know if I want to have a happy ending or not (cause I'm just mean like that hehe) But aside from that I've been super busy with my college work and my book blog!

But if you're worried that this book will never get finished - don't be. I plan on finishing Liv and Skye's story. It'll take time so please bare with me. But I love you roadies! And if you want to follow me on twitter I'm @eloisethewriter on there - feel free to DM me or tweet me if you have any questions I'm also at that on insta. 

Thank you for sticking around - I'm truly excited to finally share the final pages of Liv and Skye's story as it's more than just about the boys you know? It's about love, friendship, fame and how there's no real perfect time. It's also about family. 

Love Clo xox

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