Signs On My Easement #2

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Signs On My Easement #2

By Roseyone

I see that you

haven’t considered things

Or that you have

and are not concerned

We know too that you got

our previous message

It takes an effort to

remove cleanly what is stuck to

a wooden fence with Gorilla tape

So, you left a small hillock of

dry cat food this time

Just think, twenty pounds worth

of your cat food money

has been shoveled into the trash

without a morsel being

eaten by a cat

Summer is coming

This year we will not

find ourselves beseiged by your

minion houseflies

We caught your cheapo cat food

early this morning

shoveled all of it away

No cats touched it

We take care of the three

that live here

We’ve named them

We’ve spayed them

Provide them with food and

Not that cheap “Lucky Charms”

of cat food like yours either

We deflea, deworm, vaccinate

Provide heated shelters in winter

Dry shelters in rain

Heavy shade during summer

Clean water

Cats know a good deal

But you don’t know when to quit

One more time


PS: We know of your history with Animal Control

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