(15) The 'Bad Side' Of San Fransokyo [Part 1]

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"A fire."

As if time slowed down, you began to look at the gates of the school and saw how Hiro was begging Tadashi not to go. Tadashi gave him a look and his lips moved. Then, he made Hiro let go of him as he dashed inside the gates of the burning gymnasium.

Your breath hitched in panic and you quickly ran over towards Hiro, who was still not comprehending how he had just let his older brother go inside the building without begging him more to stay.

"Hiro!" You yelled over his ears, furiously shaking his shoulders to make him snap out of his thoughts. "HIRO!!"

He looked at you with panicked eyes and whispered, fear in his every word.

"Tadashi's in there.."

* * *

You knocked on the wall and smiled sadly at the boy sprawled across his bed.

"Hey Hiro." You spoke softly and slowly approached him.

He just grunted, acknowledging your presence.

You sat at the foot of his bed and smiled sadly again.

"How are you holding up?" You asked, looking around at the once happy filled room. It was now very dull.

You came to check on him because Aunt Cass seemed so worried. She told you that he had not been eating a bite out of his food and had been isolating himself from anyone else for months now. You felt pity for him, but also understood him in a way. The most dearest person he had, vanished right before his eyes.

You knew well enough how painful it felt.

Hiro decided to change the subject.

"Why are you here? I thought you had school.." He said bitterly.

"I just wanted to check on you." You replied truthfully.

"Well, you can go now. I'm fine." He rolled to the other side of his bed, his back now facing you.

You furrowed your eyebrows with worry and stood up.

You got to the window and pulled the string, making the blinds go up and the room shine brighter than before.

Hiro sat up and looked at you, giving you a glare.

"Close it." He hissed at you.

You rolled your eyes.

"You haven't been in broad daylight Hiro. You need to go outside and eat more." You said, glancing at the plate of untouched food. This kid should at least eat something..

He rolled his eyes at you and plopped down his bed, turning his back at you.

"Hiro.. C'mon.. Go to school with me." You told him, sadness in your voice. You made your way towards his bed and sat beside him.

"I miss you, a-and.. This isn't what Tadashi would've wanted." You looked at him sympathetically.

Something clicked inside Hiro.

Ameliorate | Hiro Hamada OneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora