Chapter 26 - Plan?!(E)

Comenzar desde el principio

"Um..a bit personal...I kinda need to go shopping" I said, making up some excuse.

"So I could accompany you to shopping and then we could go to dinner together, you know?" Sid said, expectantly.

Now what do I do?

"Um's personal stuff...I know? Inner'd not feel comfortable shopping for that with me right? We can go to dinner some-other time?" I said, hopefully.

No I didn't want to go to shopping and definitely not inner-wear. But that's probably the only thing for which Sid would say no to, right?

"Nah no issues Amogha, I can join you! So we'll leave at around 5? We can go to your usual store" Sid said, making me snap my head towards him for the first time on weeks! I only got a glimpse of his glum and tired looking face before he got up from his chair.

Now what do I do?

"Really? Would you feel comfortable?" I asked, hoping for a NO!

"Of course Amogha, why not?" Sid said, stressing on my name and walking out of the cabin.

He's not said my whole name in a very long time! Did I tell you how I love the sound of my name from his mouth??

Snap out of it Ammu! Sid loves another girl, you're still moving on from Adi and you don't like Sid! The kiss was just at the spur of the moment and nothing else! 

The whole day passed in a haze and I was dreading the evening, which came too soon for my liking. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with Sid, but I think I need to distant myself from him for some time, move on from whatever the crap I feel for him, compose myself and then become my normal self.

I hate being distant with Sid, but that's the only way to move on! I can't get hurt again, not the same episode like Adi! Sid isn't Adi, but Sid already loves another girl and I shouldn't come in between them. I should help Sid get that bitch so that he can be happy. I'm not jealous of that bitch....Bitch is just an expression. inner conscience is going mad!!! That bit...I mean....girl...that girl...Sid deserves her more than a crap like me!

"Ready to leave?" Sid asked at 5 pm sharp.

I sighed as there's no way of avoiding and just said a 'yes', took up my stuff, and went to the door.

"After you" Sid said, opening the office door for me and giving me a clear view of his face at such proximity after 3 weeks! He looks terrible! He looks so....sad! His eyes don't have that usual glint, and those bags under his eyes!! He looks though he's not slept properly in a long while! Obviously he hasn't! Heck even I haven't!

Look at what you've done Amogha! You've made him miserable! He must be feeling terrible for having kissed you and cheated on his love - my inner conscience is poking me with a big red fork borrowed from Satan! 

"Here we are" Sid said after a very silent 45-minute drive. We reached the usual shopping complex from where I get my daily-wear clothes.

Damn the drive was long! I couldn't bear to look at Sid! I'm responsible for his state! The very awkward silence in the car didn't help either!

"You can stay in the car, I'll be back in a couple of minutes" I said, opening the door of the car. 

"Nope, I'm coming with you" Sid said, getting up and shutting the car door behind him. 

Very awkwardly, I went alongside him and we went to the regular clothing section. We were walking in such close proximity that my hand regularly brushed his hand and jolts of electricity shot through my body every time it happened.

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