Chapter 26 - Plan?!(E)

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***Amogha's P.O.V***

Is it cheating if I am reliving mine and Sid's kiss in my head whenever I see him? I feel guilty for that thought every damn time! I know I and Sid are married and we're husband-and-wife and that there's nothing wrong with sharing an amazing kiss with you husband but he doesn't like me!! I sighed again for the umpteenth time that day, as I shifted my concentration back to my work.

The last 3 weeks were very horrible! The kiss was.....heavenly! That's the closest word that I can use to describe the feeling after our kiss! It'd be an understatement to say that it wasn't hot! The kiss, both of the kisses actually, were freaking bliss!

But...Sid already loves another girl! Bloody bitch that girl is! Well, a lucky bitch to get someone as good as Sid to love her! 

I don't know what Sid might have thought of me after that kiss! Even though he explicitly had stated that he was in love with a girl, I kissed him! My first freaking kiss too!!! Maybe he'd have initiated the kiss if I hadn't  initiated it, but still!

Won't he think I'm some sort of a slut who's just changing guys? Here on one hand I claimed to be moving on from Adi, and then on the other hand I just kissed him, that too twice on the same day? And I acted all naughty after that kiss! Damn I've lost my mind!

"Amogha, please stop zoning out like this" Rishi clicked his tongue and brought me back to my senses. "Is everything alright?" Priya asked, smirking slightly.

How can I tell her that I screwed up badly? How can I tell her that I hurt Sid by kissing him and acting all naughty? 

"Yeah..." I said, again immersing in my pool of thoughts. Is it cheating on Adi to like Sid?? I am still so effing confused! Damn Adi! He's complicated everything! I even told Priya that I regret Adi...Yes! I regret Adi!!

Fucker just left me all broken, cheated on me and now I'm feeling all guilty for having kissed Sid and maybe I'm even developing feelings for my husband?!

"Snap out of it m'lady" Priya said, mockingly.

"Huh?" I came out of my thoughts again.

"Is everything alright with you two? I can't help but notice how you are avoiding jiju. You told me already that you regret Adi, so I know it's not him. Is it Sid? Did he do anything to you?" Priya asked and there was something in her voice which suggested that she knew something....Could she know about the kiss? I've not told her and since Sid clearly regrets the kiss, he wouldn't have had told her or Rishi either! Then what is Priya suggesting? "Yeah everything is cool" I said, smiling a little and trying to concentrate on my work, but failing as Sid entered the room.

Usually, when Sid comes, I just bend my head in my work, plug in my headphones and act as if I'm immersed in my work. But I can't do that now because Priya is here and I don't want her to know that I've been avoiding Sid.

"Hey" Sid said, sitting on the chair in front of my table.

"Oops excuse me, I'm getting a call from Rishi" Priya said and excused herself out of the room with her phone clutched tightly into her hand.

Now this is awkward!

There was a very nasty silence as I tried hard to look lime I'm immersed in my work so that Sid wouldn't talk to me and just leave me, so that I can go back to dwelling on our hot kiss!!

"Hey Amogha, I was wondering, would you like to go to this new restaurant tonight for dinner?" Sid asked, a bit hesitantly, thus breaking the silence. What does he want now?

"Um...I sort of have plans already, sorry" I said, again, not looking up from my file.

"What work?" Sid asked, very very calm I must say!

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