Chapter 7

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"That's it. My secret is revealed to a stranger whom I just met." Claire's mind screamed at her. Her heart skipped a beat as she stood frozen on the spot, not sure what to say or do. Soon everyone will know that her tears glowed red. Would she be bullied even more? Worst of all, she imagined the expression on her mother's face. What punishment would she face? And Chloe would laugh all along enjoying her suffering. 

An icy silence filled the toilet. The air around grew thicker, she could almost feel its taste and her nostrils being blocked. Her black eye lashes were still wet from her tear drops as she closed her eyes wishing it to be a dream. Derek opened his mouth to say something.

"Oh there you are Claire. I was so wo---"  Olivia entered the washroom. Then she froze as she saw Derek.

"What are YOU doing here?" she looked aghast.  Claire turned around, feeling relieved, as she quickly wiped off the remaining tears dripping from her eyelashes. 

"In the girl's bathroom? Seriously Derek!!! Are you this desperate?" Olivia stared at him with a disgusted face.  He seemed confused and bewildered.

"No, I was just hi----"  He started

"Oh let me tell you what you were trying to do here. That Raven probably told you she'd be waiting for you after class in the girl's washroom. Her old habit of catching preys." Olivia's eyes were glowing green with rage, the olive green colour glowing fiercely. She was staring right into Derek's eyes, who seemed to be backing away from her. 

He remained silent. Claire could sense that he was enjoying Olivia's rage, who continued.  "So, how was your little date with Raven? Did she fill you up with her filthy little ideas on how to annoy other students, or more like annoying Claire! Oh wait, that's why you probably are here. Oh God. Let me call the security guard right now."  She headed over to the small intercom that was attached to the wall near the washroom. 

"No, wait." Claire and Derek shouted in unison. Claire felt her cheeks burn as he gave her one of his goofy "We-shouted- together" smiles.  

"I was just hiding here."  Derek spoke quickly as Olivia's steps increased towards the intercom. 

She slowed down and turned around looking confused. "Hiding? In the girl's washroom?" 

He put on an embarassed smile while passing his right hand over his beanie covered head awkwardly. "Well.. it's a long story."  For some reason he gave Claire a comforting look. Butterflies flew in her stomach. Did he know? How long was he hiding and where? 

"Can we go back to the lounge? You don't want anyone to see you. Our school is full of young paparrazis. And by papparzis I mean deadly ones. They can turn a rumour into reality."  Oliva gestured for them to go outside while she closed the door of the toilet. Soon they were headed towards the lounge, Claire following them shakily as she wondered about her future. She depended on a complete stranger and that too a boy. Someone she would never have imagined to talk to. Ever.


"She did what?" Both the girls seemed equally outraged. The student lounge was almost empty except for a weird boy wearing a large black hood facing his back to them. They were sitting on the large black leather sofa  Derek on the one infront of them as he filled them in. 

"Yeah, she seemed to behave very weird. As if she owned me or something." He made an awkward face. 

Olivia stared back at Claire who was as open mouthed as her. Then she looked back at him, shocked. 

"So, she made you skip class which was supposed to be sociology along with us, and--------"  

"-------Well, yeah anyways, It was worth missing it. I heard Professor Boris was giving away free spit."  Derek interrupted Olivia. He seemed a bit embarassed for having skipped class on the first day. 

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