Chapter 1

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At first she thought she had slipped over a mouse. Moaning with pain she lifted herself up and stared at the half dead animal. Lying down at her feet was a wingless pigeon that convulsed uncontrollably. She kicked it slightly letting it roll down the short hill towards the dark forest ahead.

Angry shouts flooded her ears while large thudding footsteps appraoched her from behind. She looked back at the distant white daggers held up high in the night sky. With no time to spare, the teenager sped off to where the pigeon had rolled down to.

Sharp twigs and branches jabbed at her bare feet as she stumbled on her way. Thousands of golden eyes stared back at her in the bushes and the tall trees around. The yellow light from the strange triangular eyes helped her move forward and avoid any dangerous pitfalls. "Get her! She must be near somewhere. The sinful can never escape from us. We swear to hunt her down and kill her for her unjustly deeds." It was clear that this hoarse voice belonged to the leader of the crowd. They were very close.

She crept towards the large trees and hid behind one of the trunks. The fierce sounds of thunder drowned their voices and footsteps. Rain drops started to pelt the ground with loud tip tops. She settled down with her back resting against the rough tree trunk. Her hands were barely visible in the pitch darkness; her nails the only part that glowed white hot. 

With a sudden jolt, a large crack split up the sky into  bright blue light. Right in front of her lit up a large stony cavern glowing from the lightning. She wasted no time and sped towards the cave’s entrance, stepping over sharp twigs and branches on her way. Her ultimate hiding place was just a few steps away. There was no time to wince at the wounds on her soles.

It was almost near, she could make out its large oval shaped hole surrounded by tree roots and wet mud. There were no golden eyes to be seen which made it difficult for her to see through. She squinted her eyes to get a clear view of the entrance. It was a large mass of black hole that led to an dark infinite pathway. Just then, a small squish was heard and the next moment she found herself lying face down beside its entrance. “We’ve caught her! Folks, the sinful shall be punished and the deceased shall be avenged.” A loud manly voice shouted from somewhere behind. She heard footsteps getting louder with time.

A large white canine tooth was sticking out of her back as blood oozed from her wound. All she could manage to do was groan and then she was on her feet again. Healthy and strong, running into the passageway with the weapon still inside her. Voices faded away as she moved further. “She’s getting away, disappearing into that dreaded place of hers.” The thudding of footsteps increased behind her just as she entered the cave. The wall behind her automatically blocked the entrance, shutting the angry shouts behind.

The place lit up instantly startling her as she stumbled onto a rock and fell face down. A whimper escaped her mouth while she layed on the ground, her mouth pooling with blood. White stone walls surrounded her. The sudden light had startled her and even more when a loud voice spoke.

“Ebony, you have to accept your fate. You were a brave girl, don’t run away from what you deserve.” The voice echoed back into her ears repeating itself infinite times. She searched frantically for the source of the voice, her head darting from one side to the other.

“I’m everywhere that you are. You cannot escape.” It spoke again with a firm tone. The voice was neither female nor male, but something purer than the restrictions of gender. "Your grotesque deeds have led you to this condition. You don't blame anyone but you. Look behind you and you will know what I'm saying."

She touched her back, the place where the weapon had injured her. The white fang was still sticking out of her as blood oozed out flowing down her spine. Strangely, she didn't feel any pain as she pulled it out and threw it away. Suddenly, like the flick of a switch the unpleasant thought hit her. Desperately, she touched her back again to find nothing but smooth and healthy skin. Blood seemed to drain from her face turning her pale.

“It already happened when you committed that act.” The voice echoed in the large cave before speaking out again one last time, “Ebony, your dreadful acts were in themselves to decide your punishment. You are immortal now.”

Ebony's screams resounded through the walls. "Come back! You can't do this to me, Please I beg you!" She dropped herself on the muddy floor and shook violently for an unknowingly long time. Time that could be bought by immortals alone.

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