Well done, Noah.

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It had been a week and Colette had gone back home to France.

Nothing had really been said about Noah being the boy to save me, after all it does sound so cliche' but I just really want to know. I want to know who he had lost? Why he saved me and most of all why didn't he stay with me? Did he wish I had died after all? Did he regret saving me in that split second of rescuing me? 

Not having answers to all of those questions really frustrated me and I was starting to get snappy with everyone.

"Are you in a better mood?" Noah groaned as we sat down to dinner, it was only us tonight as the others were away doing couple stuff... Ew.

"I'm wasn't in a bad mood."

"I'll take that as a no then." Noah mumbled.

"Why do you always have to create arguments, Noah? I never said anything and you just have to start another argument." I shouted as I lifted my plate up and headed to my room.

I felt the sudden urge to cry. I have no idea why, I'm just so frustrated and emotional, it's so draining.

I lay in my bed, my plate was on my unit as I no longer felt hunger but sickness due to holding back the tears. I wanted a cuddle, all i wanted was for someone to hold me tight and tell me everything was OK, that nothing bad would ever happen but I couldn't. I couldn't have someone hold me and love me because I would just push them away. I would just tell them I didn't want them although deep inside I desperately wanted them to realise that I did want want them, I needed them and if I said I didn't I never meant it.

I heard three knocks on my door, "Go away"

"Can we talk?"

"No." I knew it was Noah and I didn't want him to see how upset I was.

My door was forced open and it slammed against the wall, "Do you know what? I was coming in to apologise to you! I was going to say I was sorry for making you upset and making you cry but you're just a stupid little girl that thinks she can get her own way if she cries! I can't even look at you!" 

Noah was angry. Very angry. I had never seen him like that and it just made me cry even more, the petty words he said made me feel rubbish and I knew I was just feeling sorry for myself but I felt rubbish.

After hearing the front door slam shut I got out of bed to put my plate in the washing machine and then went straight back to bed. I cuddled my baby blanket and just cried until I eventually fell asleep. 

I don't want to hate Noah, I love him. Wait. What? 

I. Love. Noah.

But I can't tell him. He hates me, he thinks I'm a silly little girl. I'm not his type.

*Noah's POV*

I'm an idiot. 

I love the bloody girl and then I go and do that, get angry and shout at her, she'll never want to see me again never mind tell me she loves me back.

I was in the park where I usually go to calm down, it reminded me if her. My sister, she committed suicide 4 years ago and every single day I think about her, I think about all of the stupid fights we had when we were kids and all of the memories we made together.

That night, 2 years ago I saw a girl jump off of a bridge into a river and I just couldn't let her family go through what I had went through after losing my sister. 

I raced down to the river bank and went to the water where the girl was slowly floating down and dragged her out putting her in recovery position.

I got my friend to call an ambulance and as soon as they came I left, I didn't want her to see me when she woke up. I don't know why, I left her my number hoping maybe one day she would call me. She did, at 3 o'clock in the morning and now she hates me.

Well done, Noah.


Guys that was the second last chapter! 

I hope you like it and I'm writing the next chapter once I've posted this! I hope you have enjoyed the book and that the last chapter will end how you like :)

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