It was him.

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Kiron didn’t go to university because she was feeling very sad and depressed again due to it being her 18th Birthday and she never liked celebrating Birthday’s due to what happened on her last. She arrived home to see her brothers, father and best friend in her apartment with her roommates and was able to celebrate her birthday with them. Kiron makes a phone call to the person who saved her the day she tried to commit suicide but Noah answered...

"Kiron, it's 3 in the morning, what is it?" Noah tiredly groaned down the phone.

I quickly hung up. It couldn't be him.

That nice, English boy. That boy that saved my life and then left with nothing but a phone number. 

Noah walked out of his room with only a pair of boxers on and looked at me with confused, tired eyes, "Why'd you hang up?" He asked in a lost, childish voice, bless him.

"Wrong number, sorry." Colette rushed out as she noticed my scared, speechless appearance at this discovery.

"It's fine."

You could tell Noah didn't believe Colette by the way he looked at me. His tired eyes were wider now, brighter with a look of worry and confusion beaming from them. It was as if he knew I knew something although he didn't quite know what I knew, confusing I know.

Colette and I slowly stood up and walked into my room.

I slid under my quilt and just lay there staring at the ceiling. Colette had fallen asleep within minutes but I just couldn't. So many different thoughts were racing through my mind and I just didn't understand.

I didn't know Noah played football and I certainly didn't know he was the one who stopped me from committing suicide.

When he saved me he said he had lost a loved one, was it a girlfriend? Was it a sibling? A parent, maybe?

So many questioned were left unanswered that night and after four hours of fighting sleep I got out of bed and went to the kitchen on a quest to make a nice cup of tea but I was stopped when I saw my three roommates standing, tiredly chatting wearing those clothes. That sky blue football strip that the boy who saved me wore.

It was him.

It was, Noah.

I tiredly smiled at them whilst flicking the switch on the kettle.

Noah yawned, "Look tired, mate." Lucas commented.

"Been up since three, some idiot woke me up." Noah replied sarcastically, smiling at me.

To be honest I thought it was sweet that we now had that friendship that we could joke with each other and tease one another but right now I just didn't have the energy too.

"Sorry." I shyly smiled back.

Before anyone could respond Claire and Zara tiredly walked out of the boys' room dressed in warm, winter clothing.

"Morning" they both yawned simultaneously.

They must be going with the boys to watch their football game. Poor Noah.


Since it was only me and Colette in the house today we decided to have a really girly day. It was great spending time with Colette, I had missed her so much whilst she was in France and with the way I have been feeling for the past few days I really appreciated having her by my side to support me just like she has in the past.

Since it was Wednesday I was off university as due to the way my timetable works I am off on a Wednesday and Thursday so I was able to catch up on what work I had missed yesterday. One less thing to stress about.


Apparently lying on the couch watching movies all day makes me really sleepy. It was about six o'clock and half way through Frozen I fell asleep, it was really needed due to my lack of sleep the previous night. 

Just as I was drifting off I heard people coming through the door and before I knew it I was being lifted into someone’s arms and placed on a cloud of softness, although his presence never left. Whoever was they beside me in this warm cloud and wrapped their arm around me. I liked this feeling of warmth and closeness.


I am so so so sorry it has taken me so long to upload! I really just lost my mojo and I've just started sitting my exams as well so I have been studying my butt off and stressing about other things but I really do hope you enjoy this chpter (I know it's short and a bit of a filler) and will bare with me throughout this book! 

Thank you all so much for getting me nearly 600 reads, it means so much!

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