Happy Birthday To Kiron

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To my suprise when Max left, Noah didn't make any snide comments however he didn't speak to me at all. 

It had been four days since Max and I had gone out and today was Tuesday, the 8th of September, or as I like to call it, my 18th Birthday!

I was finally 18 today and I could legally go out partying (not like Friday night with Max) plus I was officially an adult.

I was woken up by my flatmates, except Noah of course, and their girlfriends. They were all bouncing on my bed with massive smiles on their faces, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They all screamed as I opened my eyes to see what was actually going on around me.

I sat up in bed and smiled at them as they calmed down and sat in my bed around me, for it being 7am they all seemed pretty wide awake. 

"Open your presents!" Zara cheered as she thrusted a nicely wrapped box in my face, the box looked rather large making me even more excited to see what was inside of it. I carefully unwrapped the paper making sure I didn't rip it due to it's neatness.

I gasped as I ssaw what was inside  the wrapping, it consisted of a blue, wooden box filled with art equipment such as sketch books, water colours, pencils and pens. It was perfect, exactly what I needed for university, too.

"Thank you, guys." I smiled at them. The gift was from all of them and I was so grateful for it, I just didn't feel very deserving.

"No problem. Now, go get showered and changed so we can, sadly, head to uni'" Jacob smiled.


I put my mint coloured graphic tee over my head just as I heard a soft knock at my door, "come in." I said.

I was wearing basic skinny jeans with a tee shirt and my white and black Vans slip- ons.

I looked up to my door to see Noah standing awkwardly looking at me. I gestured for him to sit next to me on my bed and he obliged. As he sat his dark jeans lowered a bit showing his boxers, I quickly averted my eyes and looked at his black, V- kneck top that clung to his toned upper body perfectly.

"Happy Birthday." Noah mumbled playing with my duvet cover awkwardly.

"Thank you." I replied as he smiled at me handing me a small gift bag.

I took the bag from his grasp and looked at him curiously, Noah was the last person I thought would be buying me a Birthday present. To say I was surprised was an understatement, "open it then." Noah said as he put on his cheeky smile that made my knees go week every time I saw it. God, Kiron, focus!

I did as I was told lifting out a rectangular shaped, navy blue box. I opened the box slowly to come face to face with a beautiful necklace. The necklace was a small sphere shape made up of multiple little roses with diamons in the centre of each. Instantly, I gasped and looked at Noah, he was biting his lip nervously.

"If you don't like it I can take it back and get something else, I hones-" I cut him off, "Put it on me please?"

Noah took the necklace out of the box, careful not to damage the delicate piece of beauty. I turned my back to him as he put the necklace around my neck and I lifted my hair out of the way so he could clasp it in place.

I turned back around to see Noah staring directly at me, our eyes instantly connecting. With anyone else I could read whatever emotion they were feeling but with Noah everything was so secret, so hidden as if he was scared to open up to anyone , scared of what people would think if they knew what he was really feeling.

"I love it, Noah." I smiled as I looked back at him with just as much intensity in my facial expression.

Noah cleared his throat about to get up before I stopped him by grabbing his hand. I pulled him into a tight embrace, letting my head sink into the crook of his neck. I don't know why it just felt right. Noah stood stiff, not hugging me back but he got relaxed a bit and hugged me back, squeezing me tightly.

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