Chapter 2: The Journey Begins

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***** Time Skip 10 months *****

~~Ragna's POV~~

Even though it has only been ten months since I started working at the museum, it was time for a holiday/vacation. I decided not to travel to other countries in Europe, but to explore more of Oslo. More coffee shops, craft stores (for my down time), different types of restaurants. Even making more friends from work, through Ann and Henry, and from random strangers.

Two of my new friends co-own a pub together, Tripp and Leon (brothers), and the pub is called Vik's. I think it's short for Vikings or named after a family member. They have beers, ales, meads, and wines form all over Norway, and different parts of Europe. But the best they have are the ones that they brew themselves. The pub was also next to the marina, so there were quit a bit of sailors and fishermen coming. Tripp made a bet with his brother and some of our friends to see if I can properly pronounce some of the names of the drinks and food. So far I can pronounce one third of the items, meaning that I have to help with making the drinks, good thing I know a bit about mixology and bartending.

"Alright Snake," Tripp called me by my new nickname. "Since you could not pronounce our new ale..."

Here it comes. "You get to make make the classic drinks." Leon announced.

That was not what I was expecting. "What!?"

"Me and Leon made this one really hard for you anyways, so you get off this one easy."

"But I still have to make drinks?" I confusingly asked. "That makes no sense."

"Actually, one of our bartenders couldn't make it so you are filling in for them." Leon said.

"You guys just wanted someone to work and not pay them." I said with attitude. "You are not going to agree because ya'll know that I'm right."

Leon and Tripp both chuckle a bit and looked at me. "You're a historian and a mind reader." Leon admitted.

"Plus, you do kind fo owe us for some of the drinks you didn't pay for." Tripp trumped in. "Only the drinks that you got when you were too wasted to get your wallet out."

"Okay guys." I said getting up from the barstool and walked to where the brothers were standing. "But you guys also owe me something."

"We don't owe you anything." The brothers claimed.

"Yes you do." I stated, pulling out my phone to show them photos of them making out with some of our other male friends. And let's just say it was a very drunken night with friends, booze, and the game truth or dare. Henry dared both brothers to make out with another male. I wasn't drinking a whole a lot since I was the DD, or Designated Dumbass as my friends would say. Very childish, but hey it made for an interesting night. "I helped you guys with your 'little' party that you had a couple months ago. You guys got so drunk and completely forgot that your family was coming over the next day. Your apartment was trashed and I cleaned it for you just in time. So, you guys to owe me. Or... I will post this on all social media." The looks on their faces just made it feel so right to just do it anyways. Leon was absolutely horrified and Tripp was just shocked and confused.

"You wouldn't." Leon said trying to be threatening. Key would trying, he wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Oh I would." I smirked.

"You guys sound like teenagers." A voice said from the end of the bar. Looking that way I noticed it was Henry. He was wearing an all black outfit with a black, long rimed fedora that was placed on the bar next to him.

"It's the middle of the day Henry." Leon stated to Henry. "What are you doing here at this time?"

"Can't a person just enjoy a drink?" Henry smiled showing off his gold canine tooth. "Plus, there is no law against having a drink in the afternoon."

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