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mila +

after sitting in that meeting for three boring hours straight with no breaks at all, we are finally dismissed. i wait in the corner as caleb shakes hands with some people. they come over to me and shake my hand as well. i smile and shake everyone's hand just to be polite.

"thank you for meeting with me." caleb's deep and raspy voice says to them. "i hope you enjoyed the building and the hotels that i suggested."

we let the visitors exit the doors first and i'm startled when i feel caleb's hand on my lower back, leading me out of the large conference room. i shiver, goosebumps rising on my body.

"how about we go grab something to eat." he tells me, as if i'd just tag along with him right away.

i look over at him a little confused. he looks down to meet my gaze and raises an eyebrow at my facial reactions. his lips turn into a small smile and it immediately warms my heart. i have never really seen him smile at me. not really knowing what to do, i give him a little grin as well.

"the tab is on me." he adds.

"it's alright, mr. mclaughlin. i'll just go grab something from the vending machine." i say. 

i wouldn't ever go to the vending machine for lunch, especially since we have a cafeteria, but i would rather do that then go to lunch with my rude boss. 

"are you ever gonna let me buy you food? you haven't even eaten all day and after you sat through that meeting, it's the least you deserve." he sighs. "let's go"

i follow behind him and soon realize that we weren't even heading towards his office, but instead towards the elevator to get to the parking lot. i stopped before i could get any further with him. 

"come on. i don't bite." he says. i could basically see the smirk in his eyes.

"but-" i was immediately cut off by him.

"quit worrying so much." he tells me. "let's go... before i grab you myself."

my eyes widen at his attempt of a threat and start to obey his commands, speed walking right behind him. i try to keep up to his long strides but i would rather stay a bit behind than trip over my heels and look ridiculous. 

"that was one heck of a threat, mr. mclaughlin." i snap at him. "if i tell you that i don't want you to buy me food, then i don't want you to buy me food. why can't you ever take a hint?"

"i've never hired someone who has a mouth like yours." he tells me. "your words are so bossy and always so unexpected."

"says you." i reply, crossing my arms over my chest. i probably look like a whiny two year old.

he chuckles a little, "see, i basically predicted that."

for some reason, i feel my cheeks get hot and butterflies explode in my stomach just from hearing his laugh, even if it was short. he leads me to a black Mercedes and opens the passenger door for me. this car costs more than my life.

"thank you, sir." i mumble as i take a seat.

he nods and shuts the door, going to the other side. i stare blankly at my fingers as he starts to drive. silence fills the air. i had never been more awkward. 

"why are you now being so quiet? why won't you talk?" caleb asks me.

"if you want me to talk, i will. last nig-" i start 

"i'm your boss, not your friend maya. talk to me about business and business only." he starts and i can already feel myself rolling my eyes.

"i don't know anything about business, sir." i snort. his words started to anger me by the second.

we both stop talking and the silence returned.i gaze out of the window and watch each building speed behind us. he must've hated the silence because he turned the switch, causing music to start playing through the speakers. rap and r&b songs started to play. i never would've guess he listened to this stuff. he stuck me as someone who listened to classical music or some shit. 

we pull up to a curb and i got snapped out of my gaze. i looked up and noticed that we pulled up to a curb that just so happened to belong to one of the nicest restaurants in town. i've always wanted to come here with my friends, but we never did because of how expensive it was.

"we're eating here?" i gape at the big, lit building.

"yes, maya. now get out of the car." he commands, and i realize that he has already gotten out of the car and has been waiting for me.

highly embarrassed, i hurry out of the car and onto the sidewalk. my heels click against the pavement as i follow caleb to the restaurant. i just wanted some lunch, literally subway would've been fine. 

as we both walk through the front door, i am surprised because there was no waiting line and we are helped almost immediately. i look around and everything looks so elegant. for some reason, there are only old people and elevator music is playing in the background. 

"for two, mr. mclaughlin?" the old lady blushes. the waitress looks like she's in her mid fifties, with her gray hair and antique glasses. "and it looks like you finally brought a date with you."

i look down smiling, also getting a little flustered. i want to kick her in the shin. i wish i could tell her that mr. mclaughlin is not my type and i would never be here if he hadn't forced me into having lunch with him. he doesn't say anything, but instead follows her towards the back to a luxurious table.

she hands us the menus and i notice something. there are literally like 5 things on this menu and 60 different wines. i'm not even old enough to drink.

"sooo, may i ask why you decided to hire me?"

caleb slowly looks up from his menu, "i read your application and it seemed like you could really use the job." he says just above a whisper. "so why not help those in need?"

"so what i'm hearing is that the only reason you hired me was because you thought i was struggling?" i narrow my eyes in disbelief.

for all i care, i could've gotten a job working at a fast food restaurant and i probably would've been a lot happier there. i mean, i just applied to see if i could get the job because it was paying well. i handed in my application not expecting to get the job, but i did.

his eyes scan the menu, probably trying to decide which alcoholic beverage he was going to indulge in. his words completely pushed me over the edge. i am in no mood for his bullshit anymore. 

i scoff, standing up from our table. he basically insulted me. he forced me to come to lunch with him just for him to tell me that because he thought i was struggling, he gave me the job and that i was some kind of 'stray.' i can prove him wrong. i really don't need him. i'm independent. 

i have a roof over my head, i have money in my wallet, a working car. i don't have a growling stomach. i have perfect grades in all of my college classes. i'm hella butthurt. 

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it seems kinda boring right now but im just tryna build up a plot. next chapter, will get more interesting if you know what im sayin, lmaooo

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