Entry # 7

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Entry No. 7

Mean girls are scattered everywhere. Anytime, they will attack then pest you. Just like what they did to Missy—to her gown! They freakin' messed it up! Who the hell on Earth would sabotage her on the very day of the coronation. They cut the sleeves, pulled-out out the beads, and they even cut the middle portion of the gown. Look! Its really a messed gown. She cried and shouted because of frustration. I walked near her and stared at the gown with anger. As a true friend, I pulled her arms and bring her to my room. I gave my gown to her. It was specially made for me, but for now, I'll hand it to Missy so she could still join the pageant. She was shocked. She embraced me with love. I looked at her eyes and I saw glimpse of being thankful. We cried out loud. She said sorry for being cold sudden. After that, we prepare for the pageant. Guess what? MISSY WON THE PAGEANT! SHE IS NOW OUR CAMPUS QUEEN~ I'm so proud of her. We headed to the locker room to fetch somethings. But I was horrified after seeing a bloody red box with a dead mouse inside! I feel like vomiting. But what shocked me the most is the letter on the box.



But Missy wasn't shocked. Hah. I should get some rest now.


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