Chapter 6 (1st Draft)

Start from the beginning

Penn was glad the pups showed good survival instincts. They let their wariness override their excitement and that was a good thing. It's the sort of instinctual response that was likely to keep them alive in an unknown situation. However, she did not want them to be fearful. They had her looking out for them after all.

So, she put up her hands, to grab their attention and said, "They'll be on us in a few minutes time. Stick close to me. I wont let anything happen to you," she assured them with a comforting look on her face.

It couldn't quite be called a smile but it was certainly the softest expression she'd used yet on them. It seemed to do the trick. She could see their postures relax a little and feel their fear subside as their anticipation increased. This was going to be the day they met their new pack, after all. The pups couldn't help but be a little excited. Penn couldn't blame them. They'd been through hell already and were nearly in a safe place. Well, they would be, if everything went alright with this first introduction at any rate.

Penn and the pups watched with sharp eyes as two large male wolves and a single female wolf appeared in the woods, just beyond their camp. Instead of cowering in fear, Penn was pleased to see that the children remained calm and submissive behind her. She smiled to herself when she caught the bravest and most curious among them sneaking a peek, now and again, at the approaching wolves. Clearly, their curiosity was greater than their fear so long as she was standing like a shield in front of them she mused.

Her makeshift pack watched intently as the three adult wolves sniffed the air and came forward cautiously. Penn was relieved that they didn't appear aggressive. She was sure it was because they couldn't pick up her scent just yet. When they got closer they would though and that could change things.

The three came within 20 feet of Penn and they pups, stopped, sniffed the air one last time and then transformed into their human forms. They stood in front of Penn and the pups in their naked glory. Penn wasn't fazed by the display of skin. Skin was as natural as fur to her. She was glad however, that the children did not make a fuss. Perhaps they were getting a little accustomed to seeing grown wolves in their naked flesh. 

Penn noted that the largest of the three was heading directly for them, but he looked more curious about her group then concerned, which was a good sign. Penn knew she couldn't breath easy just yet, but there were positive signs. The lack of aggression or desire to show dominance was really promising.

The wolf in charge suddenly barked, "I know you don't I, child?" and he pointed directly at Cassidy, whose eyes were on the ground in a show of respect and submission.

Penn saw his eyes slide curiously over her but it seemed he was content to ignore her presence for the moment. That could mean only one thing - he knew she was a rogue. He would never address a child over an adult in a setting like this unless the adult was beneath him - unless the adult wolf was a rogue.  Penn wasn't insulted. In fact, she was a bit relieved. The man appeared sensible rather than incensed, which boded well for the children.

She saw Cassidy's head jerk up as she looked at the naked wolf in front of them. Penn could see the recognition in Cassidy's eyes. This was also a good sign. It would be helpful if she and the wolf had some common ground. That would make this introduction go a lot smoother as well.

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