Destiny, Perhaps Doom

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It wasn't as though Tindómiel thought that Lómion was not her match, she could tell even without swearing to Illuvatar and the Quendi for the music of their faer singing in harmony was so beautiful, more beautiful than she thought they could be singing each alone. She knew that this was inevitable, it had been ordained even before she had awoken in the cradle of fragrant grass on the shores of Cuiviénen. She had been meant to join faer with Lómion before the stars were kindled, or the earth shaped. Their union was in the music. Their names even spoke to this, he was the twilight of the evening, and she of the morning. For all that, she had barely been awake long enough to begin learning the words, and she had never been beyond the banks of the river where it met the mighty lake. Did she want to begin a journey with another when she had just barely begun her journey at all?

Lómion stiffed beside her, as is sensing her sudden dischord with his song. Tata allowed the silence to drag on between them. Tindómiel glanced around the large group of Quendi surrounding her, and noticed now that the newcomers were mostly standing in pairs. Was it wrong of her to reject Illuvatar's plan? Or even to postpone it? "I... I do not..." she stammered. Lómion immediately released his hold, dejected, yet respectful of her doubt.

Tata held her gaze, "I do not understand your hesitation, child. Clearly this is the One's plan for you. Why would you reject your happiness and damage your mate's faer with your indecision?"

Tindómiel nervously fidgeted under Tata's penetrating gaze. "It is not a rejection of the plan for us..." she began searching her all too meager vocabulary for the proper words to voice her hestation without further distressing her mate. Lómion's eyes were focused beyond her shoulder towards the sky, glassy with unshed tears, as if he could neither look directly at her nor look away entirely. "Oh, Lómion, sweetling, do not despair. I do not know you, but I know that I love you. You complete my song, we were made to be together. I know this. It's just.... there are so many things I do not know. I would rather know myself before I become part of a larger whole."

"Might we revisit this at a later time? I would not be parted from you, but perhaps we might learn the ways of the world and of ourselves side by side?," Lómion's eyes lit up as they had from over Tata's shoulder when Tindómiel first saw him, "As you say, our song is strong and our union is predestined. I am willing to wait as long as may be for you to accept it. Might we consider this time together a betrothal?"

Tindómial nodded her agreement with tears now in her eyes. She was overjoyed to have been chosen as a mate to someone so wise and patient. She knew this was a sacrifice, and vowed to herself to use this time to the fullest so that the sacrifice was not in vain.

Tata shook his head slightly and spoke quietly to Tatië, "Well, this lot is a strange one, indeed. See how they all even look the same other than this one -- all jet black hair and gray eyes. Although, they are perhaps wise. This 'betrothal' period does not seem detrimental to the plan, at least. However, I cannot imagine spending even a moment without knowing that we are one," and he swept her into his arms and pressed a chaste kiss against her soft lips, for they were in front of their children and to do more would be most improper. Then, breaking their embrace, he announced to the group, "Then it shall be! We have not been called to journey farther yet, so let us settle here where the river meets the lake and learn what we might from one another."

And with that, the Quendi broke into their three distinct groups and began to build shelter. Imin and his wife, Iminyë took a smaller group into the eaves of the forest that pressed close to the lake, separating from the main group but remaining near at hand. These were the Minyar, the Firsts, being so named because they followed the first awoken father.

Tata led the Tatyar, or the Seconds, of which Tindómiel and Lómion were now a part. Since their group was so large and already settled on the grassy river bank, the rest of Tata's group joined their settlement. Enel and his wife, Enelyë, had no reason to separate their group from the Tatyar, for Enel and Tata found fellowship together. The Nelyar settled along the banks of the river as well, also delighting in the sound of the water rushing through the reeds and the stars dancing upon its glassy surface.

Quendilindalë (The Song of the Elves) [Tolkien Elf FanFic - Age of the Stars]Where stories live. Discover now