"I didn't say any of that!" I retort back. He laughs a bit shaking his head.

"Oh, you don't have to. You think being my friend would result in my death." He responds.

"Again, I didn't say that." I argue to the tall boy.

He grabs me by the shoulders and stares into my eyes. "But you're thinking that aren't you?"

I sigh and lift my shoulders as to say I don't know. He speaks again.

"Amy, don't you get it? We're the survivors. We don't die. If this whole world went to shit, and only two human beings lived, I guarantee you that'd be us." He says trying to reason with me.

"Why do you even want to be my friend? We have nothing in common." I say, lying through my teeth as we walk along the perimeter some more.

He stares at me, eyes wide and mouth agape. "Oh, I know you Amy Everett. I know you're kind."

"Oh, really?" I challenge.

"Really. You're the kind that acts all tough on the outside, but on the inside you're all weak because you don't want to trust anyone. You don't want to love anyone, because everyone you love dies. Am I right?" He asks looking at me expectantly.

I don't answer, because I mean...How do you answer to that?

"I know I'm right. Want to know why, because I'M LIKE THAT TOO!"

"Jack, calm down." I reason while looking around the area. We're getting to the dangerous part.

"No Amy, I don't want to fucking calm down! I want talk this through today!" He yells.

Now I clamp my hand over his mouth and press my knife to his neck to give him incentive.

"I'm getting real tired of you doing that." He mutters through his teeth not moving a muscle.

"We're passing by a dangerous place, and you need to shut up." I whisper into his ear. He gives me a small nod, and I slowly release him from my grip.

"Where are we?" He whispers to me.

"The Disciple's grounds." I say solemnly.

"Who in the hell are The Disciples." He asks a bit louder. Again I clamp my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up!" I whisper-yell into his ear. "And don't say hell around here. They don't like that."

I pull my hand away from his mouth and then begin to speak in a hushed tone.

"The Disciple's are a community in the city. They worship God, or so they say." I explain.

Jack looks at me confused. "What do you mean so they say?" He asks.

"Nowhere in the bible does it say to murder innocent children." I begin to explain. When I see his mortified expression I continue.

"If they find you the slightest bit impure you're sacrificed, and if you're a child or animal they sacrifice you because you're innocent. It's fucked up, I know." I say.

"Uh, is there any other places like that?" He asks in a shaky voice. I nod.

"The Elites. We're actually coming up near their community." I respond. I shake in disgust at the sound of their name.

"W-what do they do?" Jack asks. I'm hesitant to answer.

"The Elite's take the phrase 'survival of the fittest' to heart. They pretty much live by it. No children, elderly, handicap, sick, or infected. If you're a liability then you're gotten rid of."

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