memory #5

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The machine shakes uncontrollably and the red warning inside the machine puts my system In panic. "What's going on?" I asked myself. I thought I successfully access my machine but look, the system keeps on saying 'error'.

" Help! Can please someone help me." But I remembered that my room was soundproof so shouting for help was useless. I tried to look something useful inside the machine but unfortunately, i found nothing. How unlucky of me. I think, I should accept it that this is my end. How sad, my life ended unloved by my parents. A tear fell from my left eye.

"Tit...tit.....processing.....Tit,tit.... Access complete" I was shocked when my body was slowly fading and the next thing I knew is everything went blank.

Mialla's PoV (Mickaella's Mom)

MAY 20, 2018; Sunday

"How dare she!" I shook my head. I need to calm. I don't want to have some wrinkles just because of that rebel daughter of mine. Tsk

I went to my computer to divert my attention and it was effective. I was too busy creating some formula when my husband interrupted me. "Mialla, I-I t-think we should ask some rest day and have some bonding with Mickaella." I glanced at him. "Are you out of your mind? We have only limited time for this new project, and what? Rest day? Huh! That would be the least thing i'll do Michael." I turn my back to my husband to get some water.

"Hoooooh" I exhaled and shaked my hands when I accidentally swept the glass off that causes it to break into pieces. I stared at the shattered glass and when suddenly, my heart beats fast and in that exact moment, Mickaella crossed my mind that causes me to panic. Oh God! I hope nothing bad happens to my daughter.


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