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My heart pounded In my chest as detective Sommers lead me out of the rainbow room back into the hallway, where Joe was leaning against the wall next to my mother her face filled with panic.

But before I could say anything to either of them the hallway  filled with laughter.
"It's so nice to see a familiar face here" a familiar voice cackled.
Detective Samatha Lee giggled blushing slightly.
She touched his arm.
"It's nice to have you here, I just wish it was under different circumstances.
I'm so sorry about all of this"

Jace Carter.
His jet black hair styled perfectly.
A sly smile filled his face.

His father The Mayor, stood next to him.
His grey hair neatly styled just like his son. They were definitely father and son.
Both as twisted as each other.
Jaces father was a known pervert.
Everybody knew but anytime anyone came forward with a they claim would be shut down and the person exiled.
People where afraid of him.
I was afraid of him.
I was afraid of both of them.

They were walking towards us.
He licked his lips as his eyes scanned my body, He looked at me as If I was a piece of meat.
I hate him so much.

I had lost so much because of this boy.
How can one person cause so much heartbreak.

"Hey baby doll"
He makes me feels so helpless.
"I would recommend not talking to Miss Sugg, Jace. She'll only make up some lie" a voice said, it was that bitch of a cop, Sam.
That woman makes my blood boil and I've only known her for like two hours.

Jace leaned in closer to me.
"That skirt you were wearing earlier, mmm. I love it when you wear stuff for me" my hands started to shake, I could feel his breath on my neck.
There were five other people around us. He isn't exactly discreet.
He was cocky.

Next thing I know Jace is slammed against the wall.
"Jace Adam Carter you are being arrested on suspicion of murder, you do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence"

And for  once in my life I wasn't afraid...

Secret sisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora