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"This is amazing!" Alfie said with a mouthful of food.
Zoë, Joe and I nod in agreement, these were truly the best pancakes I have ever tasted. We have all gone out for brunch while my phone screen is getting repaired.

Zoë's phone buzzed as she handed her empty plate to the waitress. "OMG!!" She squeals. Everyone in the small restaurant stared at are table.
"Jesus Zo, chill out" Joe says.
"Why are you screaming Zoë?"  I say as take a sip of my water.
"Mark is in Brighton!" Zoë squeals
Zoë taps away at her phone happily.
"He wants to catch up with us maybe make a video but I'm not to sure"
Joe looked down at his phone.
"Hey Eve I just got a text from the repair place your phone is ready, how about me and Evie go and pick it up while u guys get the bill"
I nod.
"I think that was ur plan all along man. Just so u can get out off paying the bill" Alfie laughed.
Joe smiled sarcastically and put a £10 note on the table, he then nodded his head towards the door and we left just after I thanked my sister and her boyfriend for the amazing breakfast.

The phone repair shop was about a mile away so Joe and I decided to walk it.
"So i have a idea" I say while walking next to my brother.
"Oh crap, last time you had a idea you ended up with a broken leg and I ended up with a pretty nasty scar"
I laughed it was true. I had planed for Joe and I to go surprise our friend who lived in Liverpool. but on the way to her house I crashed the car. Good times.
"Look I promise this has nothing to do with me driving"
"Ok.. what's ur mysterious plan then sister"
"We post the video"
"What video... oh.... that video"
I stop in the middle of the pavement and nod enthusiastically at Joe.
"I don't know Eve that video caused a lot of drama"
"Fine as long as u help me film the intro and edit the video"

There was a lot of reasons why I wanted to post the video. The main reason was to show my dad that we could do this whole thing.
"Were here" Joe says snapping me out of my thoughts. 
We go inside and talk to the old man at the counter.
He hands over my phone and Joe pays the bill he says it's his way of "making up for what happened"

I turned my phone on. I had turned it off after I found out what happened,  when the video got out.
We left the shop and Joe called a über as soon as my phone got signal my it blew up with texts like I have never seen that many texts before.
Most were from family members saying they support me. But there were 6 messages that stood out to me.
Dad: I can't believe you.  After everything I did for you we are done. Your stuff is at your mums pick it up when you are free don't come back home.

A tear rolled down my cheek.
The other five messages were from Jace, Shit Jace.

Jace:  Babe I love u ❤️❤️❤️
Jace: I love you and I always will. don't make me do this why did u hide this from me.
Jace: Babe u can't hide from me anymore I know where u are
Jace:  R love is too strong don't deny it.
Jace: I'm coming for u.....

Omg hi everyone..
I've been trying to write this chapter for ages and I just couldn't get it right. I hope u enjoyed this chapter it was short but I needed to let Y'all know about Jace (prepare for some drama)
I just want to say thanks for a 100 reads it means so much!!!
Erin xxx <3

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