Dealing with it

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I woke up in Zoe's spare room.
As I sit up I see a figure sitting at the end bed.
"Hey" the figure whispered, sadness in there voice.
The room was spinning and I still couldn't work out who it was at the bottom of my bed.

"W..w...what h..happ...end" I murmured
My eyes came into focus and I saw the figure sitting on the bed.
"You fainted, sweetie" Zoe said sympathetically

As I went to respond to Zo, I released it wasn't just me and my sister in the room...

Joe was sat on a wooden chair in the corner, his head down, not saying a word.

"Joe?" I called in a groggy tone.
He looked up, and left the room.

"Don't mind him" Zoë Said quickly
"Do you want anything to drink?" She asked
"A Coffee would be good" I say my voice wispy.

After I had had my coffee I made my way down stairs and into the living room.
I called out "Zoë... Joe" No one replied.

I look and see my broken phone on the dining table.
"Ugh! Why am I so stupid" I mutter.

As I say this I begin to her quite whispers, not loud enough for me to make out what the whispers were saying but loud enough for me to hear.

As I step toward the living room door the whispers became louder and louder and I could make out what they were saying.

Alfie: why were you even arguing about it in the first place

Joe: It...It was my fault, I just wanted to upload that stupid prank video.

Zoë: Were gonna have to make a video, explaining our self.

Joe: Not necessarily.

Zalfie : What do you mean?

Joe: We could say that Evie died and that's why I was angry or....

I burst in the door.
"NO!" I screech

All three of them stair at me in shock.
"Honey, you should be in be-" but before Zoë could finish her sentence i cut her off.

"It's out. There's nothing we can do. And you seriously can't say I'm dead" I gave Joe a death glare.

"I've just gotta deal with it"
"No We've just gotta deal with it"

And that's what we did....

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