Chapter 1 - End

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Chris pushed the glass doors open with force and walked out of the building and onto the parking lot towards his car. His mind was filled with unpleasant emotions. He didn't remember when he had been in such a bad mood last. He felt the anger and frustration rise in his chest. At that moment, he just wanted to punch something. He was walking fast toward his car, his palms closed into a tight fist as the anger spread into his limbs. He reached the car and kicked the car wheel hard, trying to let go of some of the anger. He felt better as he kicked it again, this time, accompanied by what sounded like a roar.

 'This is it. This time I'm through with it.', he thought to himself as he opened the door and climbed in. His phone rang as he pushed in the seat belt. He pulled out the phone from his jacket and threw it on the seat next to him as it continued to ring. He started up the car and accelerated toward the exit. He saw a figure running out onto the parking lot and heard a faint "Chris!! stop!!" behind as he sped away from the building, everything swiftly disappearing in his rear view mirror.

He put the top of his car down as he drove along the Pacific Coast Highway, feeling the cool salty breeze calm him down. He had been driving for almost an hour. He felt better now that he had some space and time. He had managed to switch off his phone to avoid the constant ringing. The hot afternoon had morphed into a cool evening. He passed a stretch of beach and decided to pull in for a little while.

He parked his car on a small lot just off the beach. Not too many people were around, which he was glad for. He just sat in his car and took some deep breaths as he stared into the sparkling ocean. He was trying to figure out how to deal with what had just happened. He knew what was coming next. He had to find a new place to live, had to face the media prying into all the details and he had to do it alone.

He patiently switched on his phone, flinching when he saw 37 messages and 22 missed calls and dialed the number to his manager, William. "Hey man, are you free for a few minutes?", he asked as soon as he heard his call being answered. "Yeah Chris, tell me, what do yo need? everything ok?" William replied. "Actually, no, it's over between Soph and I, um..I am probably going to stay at Liam's for a few days, I can't go back to our place. I need my stuff from there and I need to start looking at houses maybe next week? Oh yeah, and can you please call Robin and have her deal with her media and all this? I just want to be alone for a bit, I don't feel like answering too many questions about this. Basically, she gave me an ultimatum and I just can't give in to her demands anymore. It was never enough, she always had a reason to complain and fight and I am just emotionally drained now. I just have nothing to give to her anymore. So can you please handle it?". After a few seconds of silence, William said, "Yeah not a problem but are you sure? I mean, I understand you but maybe you want to take a few days to just think about this, I mean, you guys have been together over a year and you've just moved in together a few months ago, maybe you need to sleep over it, don't make any big decisions in this frame of mind man, it never leads to anything good. Why don't we meet for lunch tomorrow and we can discuss the next step. I'll call you at noon to let you know where. Ok?". "Yeah I think thats a good plan. I'll see you tomorrow, if you cant get through me, just call me at Liam's. Bye." Chris hung up.

He started his car again, to drive to his brother Liam's house. As he drove through the roads, he realized how much he was hurting. He knew it was going to be a hard few months as all this passed. He questioned his decision to end his relationship, 'Maybe I can talk to her and just explain my side of it, I am sure she will listen. Last time we fought she did try to make it better. We love each other, I know she loves me but I can't give her what she wants right now. I just cant be the person she wants me to be. No, talking isn't going to help. This relationship ended a while back, I just need to realize that and let go. It's the best for us both.', he convinced himself.

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