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Heyyyyy I know I'm a few days late and I'm so so sorry guys! I hope you'll all like this chapter and that you're not too upset with me lol. I was so sick last night that I fell asleep at like seven, which is something I never do. All the loves babes and thanks for supporting me! xx 

Song for the chapter: How To Save a Life by The Fray


"Between the lines of fear and blame,

you begin to wonder why you came."

We all stand around Clair, her body still limp and unconscious on the couch. My hands felt like they'd never stop shaking from fear, from all the worry that was manifesting itself deep within my chest. Clair should've woken up by now, she should be laughing and smiling, but instead, she is passed out cold on Louis' leg.

"We should take her to the hospital, she could be having a reaction to whatever they gave her," Kristina says while biting on her nails. We put ice on her hand, hoping that maybe it wouldn't get too bruised.

"If we take her they'll ask a ton of fucking questions," Liam says, his feet pacing around the living room. We were all on edge, all of us breathing slowly and keeping our eyes on Clair for any movement.

"What if we tell the authorities we found her like this outside of our apartment?" Kristina says, her body practically curled into itself. I could tell that this was bringing her back to a dark time in her a life, a time where she wouldn't wake up and we had to bring her to the hospital.

We all look around at each other, just waiting for anyone to object to the idea. In all honesty, I didn't fully understand why we couldn't just bring Clair to the hospital ourselves. She probably should've already been taken there.

"I don't know guys," Louis says, his hands holding onto Clair's body. Louis hasn't moved in thirty minutes, just afraid to break the fragile body laid on his lap. Clair is cracked and and ruined, her body totally out of her control at this point.

"I'm calling an ambulance," I say, just making the final decision for us all. I wasn't going to allow Clair to die, and I definitely wasn't going to watch her slip further and further. I grab my phone and dial the number, my hands shaking as I hold the speaker up to my ear.

A monotone voice come through the speaker, the woman asking me what my emergency had been. "Yes," I say finally snapping back into thought. "My friend was found unconscious outside the door of our apartment," the woman asks for the address before finally saying that an ambulance is on the way.

"They're coming," I lean against the wall, my heart beating right out of my chest as I keep my eyes on Clair. It was tearing me apart on the inside, not knowing what substance has been injected into her veins by those fucking football players.

Kristina walks over to me, leaving Louis, Liam, and Clair on the couch. I hook my arm with hers, holding her and trying to make this easier for her. "I don't think I can bear coming to the hospital," Kristina says, her eyes not meeting mine.

"Maybe you and Liam should stay back, just in case anything happens." Kristina wraps her arms around me, her small frame squeezing mine. How did any of this happen? And how can I make any of this easier for anyone?

"Are you going to call Harry?" Kristina asks, her words reminding me that Harry wasn't at his apartment just a few miles away. He's across the world right now, so out of reach that it'd be impossible to try and tell him this without wanting his arms wrapped around me.

"I think leaving him out of this one is a good idea," I hold onto Kristina's hand, keeping her close to me. We all wait patiently, all of us not saying a word or even making a move. Louis looks down at Clair, his hands glued to her hair, just holding her. Liam watches from across the room, his arms crossed over his chest. Kristina and I sit on the ground, our backs against the wall and our hands intertwined.

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