Chapter 1

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After their fight, Yugo had searched for Adami. When he found him, he found out that he had turned evil. After they defeated Oropo they went their separate ways. Yugo went with his friends back to the Sadida kingdom, and Adami disappeared. After ten years of searching, Yugo was ready to give up searching for his brother. Their bond had broken. He had no way of finding Adami. Though Adami would easily be able to find him. He could feel Adami looking through his eyes at times. Yugo would mumble 'Cut it out Adami.' Whenever his brother would do this. Sometimes he'd get a reply like 'I'll look through your eyes if I want to.' Or just a flat out 'No'. Yugo thought it was strange that he could speak to Adami, and Adami could see through his eyes, even though the bond they had once shared was shattered. Until one day...

Yugo sat in his room in the Sadidan castle reading a book, when he felt Adami looking through his eyes. "What do you want Admai?" Yugo asked

"What, can't I see what you're up to?" The dragon replied

"I thought you hated me."

"Eh. Can't someone get over something?"

"Not when they still haven't said anything."


"I'm the one who should be sorry Adami."

"Nope. I'm sorry." Adami said. Yugo rolled his eyes "Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me!"

"So are you coming to the Sadida kingdom?"

"Might be... I want to say sorry to everyone. And if I say it through you they'll ask questions. Like-"

"Yeah I know Ad."

"How's Grougal doing?"

"He and Chibi have been helping Alibert with his inn. I've been in the Sadida kingdom for the past year."

"Hey look out your window."

"What do you...." Yugo said as he walked over to the window. Adami stood on the window sill in tofu form "When did you.... Never mind." Yugo said as he opened the window

Once he was inside, Adami changed into his human form, and hugged Yugo. "We need to talk. And not just through your head. Face to face."

"Ad. Ribs. Being. Crushed." Yugo choked as his face turned red "Can't. Breathe."

"Sorry..." Adami said as he let go of Yugo "I... I'm sorry." Adami mumbled "I.... I overreacted when you didn't listen to me. I should've just been happy that the world didn't get destroyed when you used the dofus."

"Adami. I would forgive you. I want to. But... You disappeared. I was worried. I gave up on finding you. I searched for ten years. I-I  wanted to find you, but I couldn't. I need some time to forgive you."

"Okay. I'll be in the woods just outside of the village."

"No Ad, you're still my brother I'll get Amalia to find you a room."

The two brothers stepped into the hall of the castle "So are you and Amalia a thing yet?"

"I don't have to answer that."

"So you guys are a thing now?" Adami asked. Yugo turned so red, he could've been mistaken for a api. "I knew it."

"C'mon." Yugo said once they reached Amalia's room. Yugo knocked

"Coming." Amalia said "Yugo... And.............. Adami?"

"Hey Amalia...." Adami said waving

"Let me guess he's sorry, but you're not ready to forgive him, and he wants to stay in the woods, but you won't let him?" She asked Yugo

"Yeah....." Yugo replied

"Fine. There's a room next to Yugo's it's empty. You can stay there. It's the one to the right of his room."

"Thanks Amalia."

The twins walked back down the hall to their rooms. Adami stepped into his room, and closed the door. He sat on the bed "He needs time. I understand that. I want him to forgive me. I won't rush him. I'm going to need to fix everything between us. I want my brother to be my brother again." Adami mumbled to himself. For a few seconds he sat in silence. Soon though he heard someone mumbling. It was coming from Yugo's room

"I want to forgive him Az." Yugo said so quietly that Adami almost couldn't hear him "I really do. Amalia and her brother have fights all the time. Before I was twelve I didn't even know I had a brother. To be honest. When I found out I had a brother was the best moment of my life. Then we got in a fight. We didn't see each other for multiple years. And now I've probably made things worse." Yugo said "I'm such an idiot. I can't even forgive someone correctly. It's a miracle that I'm even still alive. I wouldn't be surprised if Adami leaves before I forgive him, and before I apologize." Adami could hear his brother cry softly. Which was difficult because Yugo can cry and talk so quietly that if he wanted to he could whisper so quietly that even if he was whispering directly into your ear you wouldn't be able to hear him. "I need to apologize. I'm just scared that he won't forgive me."

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