Chapter 3 - "You have got to be god damn kidding me!"

Start from the beginning

There was a mother daughter fight there too, Cassandra's mother was trying to convince her that she were a witch. But Cassandra didn't believe it. She called her mother crazy, she told her mother that, that was what the villagers said. Cassandra's mother cried asking why she did not believe her, but her daughter had no real answer. She simply did not want to believe in witches and druid, and so she didn't.

The rest of the dream was a blur, the dream girl just went about her normal day.

When Cassandra had awoken from this dream, she had decided that she would never again tell anyone person of her dreams, and she hadn't.

Until she had turned 13.


"Cassandra! Cassandra!? Oh dear gods please be ok? They'll kill me if you're not! Please, Please, Please!" A woman's voice pleaded.

"Huh...?" Cassandra murmured.

"Oh thank the heavens you're alive! I mean of course you're alive! I knew you were alive, you were breathing! But gosh.. you scared me. You didn't answer the door, I was worried. I let myself in, spare key was a great idea by the way, and there you were. Laying there all lifeless on the balcony! It's freezing out here by the way. You'll catch you death out here. Anyway I couldn't wake you and..."

"Erica. It's freezing out here." Cassandra interrupted.

"Yes it is.. Wait I just said that!" Erica said.

"Yes you did. So let's have you out of the way, so I can move and we can go inside?"

"Ohhh.. Good idea!" Responded Erica, with particular emphasis on the "ohhh" making her sounds 6 kinds of ditsy. She stood and all but skipped inside, Cassandra followed, less enthusiastically and closed the door behind her.

"and this woman's my therapist" Cassandra thought shaking her head as she made herself comfortable on the sofa by the heater which she grabbed the remote to and turned on, cranking the temp to very high and enjoying the instant breath of heat it expelled.

"Don't you shake your head and think bad things about me, Cassandra Elaine Hatchette! Don't think I don't know you're doing it either. I always know"

"Yes Erica, sorry Erica." Cassandra replied condescendingly.

Erica rolled her eyes in a very deliberately over the top manner and plonked herself in the chair adjacent to Cassandra and begun literally twiddling her thumbs. Sometimes it amazed her that Erica was a certified therapist, she was bubbly, sarcastic and more often than not she appeared more daft than knowledgeable. She did not fit the stereo type for a therapist at all. Cassandra of course knew that Erica was indeed very smart, she simply had a somewhat 'different' take on things than most people.

"Who am I to judge difference?" Cassandra thought regretting her own choice of description. She was glad to have Erica in her life. Erica was infectious. She was surrounded with an intense unshakable happiness that seemed to seep into all those around her. This alone made her an excellent person to confide in. Cassandra owed the life she currently lived to Erica. Erica had found her only 3 months after she had been admitted to "Numeric- Hospital of the different", named after some eccentric rich guy with a messed up kid, who wanted to learn more and find cures, which was another way of saying hospital for bat shit crazy kids to be experimented on legally.

As Cassandra sat, enjoying the heat, she realised that the conversation they were about to have was not one Erica wanted to participate in. Clearing her throat nervously she began.

"So," Cassandra started. "What do you have to tell me?" She took a breath and swallowed deeply.

There was no reply.

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