"Yo let me talk to you outside."

"Nah no thanks, me and your mom were having a convo. Maybe later." Glaring at him I waisted no time going straight to my room m, just like they did to start back up their conversation, my mom has known Theo since we started using Mrs. Grettah as a babysitter, so It was no surprise that they were here having conversations but I wanted him gone cause not only was he doing to much but he crossed a line.

"Won't you stay for dinner hun? You could invite moms too." Hearing my mother give this boy an invitation for dinner I was getting even more upset, where was my father when you needed him...have him toss Theo's ass right on out of here.

"Sure just-" hearing the house phone ring I rushed from my room to go get it, I looked at the caller ID and it was dad, man was I excited to hear from him.

"Dadddy!" Half yelling, the phone was half way silent but I heard people in the background.

"Hey, Moe. Tell mom I'm going to be late for dinner okay." Sucking my teeth I hung up without saying anything then turned around to let my mother know.

"Your husband is going to be late for dinner." Rolling my eyes I went back to my room shutting the door, flopping down on my bed. Since we were inviting people to dinner why don't we make it friends and family.

"Hey ma!" Yelling from my room I got up walking over to her not caring if I was being rude or not.


"Can Liv, come over? I mean since we having friends over for dinner." Eyeing me she nodded her head yes and I smiled ignoring the nuisance in the kitchen and going back to my room.

me: come over for dinner, my mom has decided to invite Mrs. Grettah, and Theodore over so you have to come and save me. 😢

Clicking my phone off I turned on my tv hearing laughing in the kitchen and things being prepared for dinner. My mother was having way to much fun with this little boy in this kitchen but I wasn't going to spoil their fun with my "rude attitude."

Bestie✨: Oh im down there now.

"How was your day Nani?" Playing with my sister me her and Liv were running around in her room playing with dolls and helping her dress up.

"I got myself a boyfriend." Swaying back and forth I looked at Liv before turning back to my sister and laughing really hard.

"what is this "boyfriends" name." She smiled brightly playing with one of her dolls hair. Smiling at her I remember being this young with a crush having no worries in the world.

"His name is Jared, I call him Jay tho." Smiling at her I knew excuse what little boy she was talking about, he had wild curly natural African hair, his skin was caramel and he had the most adorable things to say that made a lot of people laugh.

"He is a cute pick, why do you like him."

"I don't know, but he's funny, Nicy. He gave me a cookie today, so I said that we could be cootie budies." Laughing again I got up and went to the kitchen, all that laughing made me thirsty. The number one thing I forgot was that we...well I have an unwanted guest sitting on my couch, loving the bag of chips with my name on them.

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