When Rou told the girl that he would escort her back to her home tomorrow, I asked if I could join her, if only to find a way to calm Sigul down. Rou agreed and we went to sleep for the night.

{Kei's subordinate <Sigul> has achieved the requirements to rank up}
{Rank up to Sentinel available}
{Do you wish to Rank up subordinate <Sigul> Yes/No}

It looks like I get to choose. I wonder what Sigul would go with...I suppose it's up to me and if it makes her stronger...

{Do you wish to Rank up Subordinate <Sigul> Yes/No.}

- Day 63

In the morning, Sigul came running to me, knocking me to the ground as she hugged me tightly. When I asked what this was about, she revealed that she now had a pair of golden white, feathery wings on her back. She exclaimed to me how happy she was to have attained the new form and continued hugging me for quite some time. She finally removed herself when she heard a gasp from behind us. It turns out that Rou and the high elf girl had come to fetch me. Once she stood up, embarrassment finally setting in, I noticed the blue tattoo on her neck. Another one...it seems pretty obvious that they have these things because of me.

By the time we left, it was decided that Rou, Kichi, Myself and Sigul would go on the trip. Apparently Sentinels, which is what Sigul is now, are looked up to as heavenly figures by elves and humans alike. They're denoted as being bringers of justice and banishers of evil. I looked back to Sigul as the high elf girl explained this and she shrugged with a smile on her face, saying that she only knew that they were much more powerful than Valkyries, given that they're the ranked up form but she still took pride in the idea of what her new race is like.

We continued to make idle chatter until we all noticed the presence of quite a few elven archers with seemingly hostile intentions. My first reaction was to place my hand on the hilt of my sword, as did everyone else, until the high elf girl ran out in front of us, claiming that we were her saviours. Quite bold don't you think after calling me a servant.

After a short quarrel which was quickly sorted by the high elf girls authority, we were led to the village. Apparently elves live in trees which...isn't all that surprising if I'm honest, considering that their ranked up form has wings.

When we finally met the chief, he was an aged looking elf which is probably saying something about his experience if I'm not mistaken about an elves lifespan and he introduced himself quite fluently, asking us to take a seat. Neither Rou or myself were able to sit on the chairs since we way more than they can support, so Rou resigned himself to sitting on the floor while I opted to stand, honestly worried about if the floor could take it.

Eventually, we managed to fit everyone in with enough room for us all. I made sure Sigul got inside since she looks similar to a human if she doesn't have her wings out. After the chief thanked us for the same return of his daughter, Rou switched on "Mercenary Mode" and told the chief that he certainly didn't do any of this for free. By the look on her face, I don't think Sigul enjoyed it but we ended up receiving their only heirloom as a reward. A bow called Failnaught, an ancient class weapon that uses magic as arrows so it technically never runs out.

In appreciation for the magnificent gift, negotiations continued for a while longer, with Rou promising to share the movements and any other useful information about the human army we are able to gain in the future. This calmed down Sigul when I quietly explained that this was the best we could do for the time being. Trade of equal value so that the elves don't start thinking they can manipulate us to their whims like the pompous elf from before. Speaking of which, the chief asked us if we knew anything about what happened to him but we all played innocent, even Sigul.

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