"No! Jr don't! My dad would beat my ass!" I jumped off the couch chasing him around the house.

He went into the kitchen picking up the house phone connected the wall.

"Stop!" I tried to snatch it out his hands.

"Aye Miracle. I'm gonna head out." CJ stood up opening the door.

"Wait! No! You just got here." I went and grabbed his wrist.

"Yea But it's clear I'm not suppose to be here." He walked down the steps and down the street.

"Was that the paper boy?" Grandma Sheri asked entering the house with her cane locked in her wrinkly hands.

I sighed shaking my head. Heading back into the kitchen I heard Jr on the phone running his mouth.

"Ight unc." Jr said ending the call placing the phone back on the hook.

"I hate you." I folded my arms and rolled my eyes.

"I love you too." He opened the refrigerator door.

"Why would you do that knowing how crazy and overprotective my dad is!"

"I'm looking out for you! Uncle King said you weren't allowed around boys! Being the cousin I am Imma make sure you're safe! Besides that nigga a senior and you're just a freshman. You better be glad I didn't tell him that."

"Don't talk to me." I stomped up the stairs getting ready to hear my dad's lecture about how I'm "too young for love" and how "boys aren't any good"

"You'll get over it!" I heard Jr say before I shut my door.


"Mo slow down and calm down." I repeated myself for the third time. Monica came home talking a mile a minute.

"King what aren't you understanding! Nick isn't safe here or anywhere!" Monica said wiping a wet wipe across her face removing her foundation and any other makeup products that coated her face.

"Wait a minute I just thought of something!" Nicked hopped up from the recliner that sat in the corner of the room.

Ah hell. "What Nick?"

"I'm not Nick remember. Im Mike Livingston!" His smile brightened.

"No Nick- you know what? I'm not even gonna say anything. You're right." Mo patted Nick on his back trying not to crush his spirit.

I took a deep breath and lit a cigar watching as Monica started back panicking and rambling. At this point I was stuck. It was basically a dead end. The hair on my head was turning grey and this was becoming to much for me to handle.

"King! Are you listening!" Monica stood in front of me.

"I'm not honestly." I inhaled from my cigar and exhaled sighing. "What can we do Mo? Huh? What?"

"What about that stupid ass plan you came up with?"

"Not sure if it's gonna work in time. If the cops are searching like you said they are they'll have Nick by the end of the week." I blew smoke through my nose being honest.

"What? I must be going deaf because it sounds like you're giving up and losing hope. One day you say "let's do this" and the next day you come back and say "no we can't" MAKE UP YOUR MIND!"

It was true. I was going back and forth contradicting myself. I can honestly say I didn't know what to do.

"I'm tired Monica."

"Tired? TIRED? You? Hell what about me King? You don't think I get tired?"

"Here we go." I said feeling an argument heading my way.

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