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@whydontwejustllove requested another imagine and she's a blessing and so patient and here it is. Also haven't posted in almost a month, I'm very sorry, been busy and feeling very stressed. Please message me if you want to request an imagine! thanks so much for reading my stories yet again, I'm still in complete shock that people enjoy these!

**Another AU Johnny recovers

I gasped trying desperately to breathe in as much oxygen as my lungs would allow, they ached painfully from running. Track would be the death of me, as much as I enjoyed the races and winning, I hated the training. My older brothers however would not let me skip training.

I leant over reaching for my ankles in order to stretch my sore muscles, it was so much more boring without my twin brother Ponyboy with me. He'd had to miss the last few training afternoons because he'd fallen behind in his study after he'd run off with Johnny for a week, so Darry was making him go to a tutor most afternoons until he caught up.

As I walked towards my bag I glanced around for Ponyboy, he finished fifteen minutes before me and was supposed to meet me after track so we could walk home together. Especially after Johnny killed that soc, us greasers had been warned not to walk alone or unarmed. I couldn't see my brother anywhere, that was strange I thought, he's never taken so long. Maybe this session just took a little longer than normal. I took my things to the locker rooms to shower and change, when I returned to the school oval Ponyboy was still nowhere to be seen. I wandered towards the front of the school thinking he might be waiting out there, instead of finding my brother I found his tutor, our grades English teacher.

"Sir? Have you seen my brother Ponyboy?" I asked quietly, I was ridiculously shy when it came to adults.

"Yes Riya, he left tutoring about twenty minutes ago." He answered smiling, he had a kind face.

"So, he left school already?"

"I saw him leave the grounds yes."

"Dammit. Thank you, sir." I mumbled cursing Ponyboy internally. That stupid kid can't use his head, he just walked off and left me here. If I didn't kill him when I got home, Darry and Soda sure would. My hands started to get clammy as I began the walk home, I was overly paranoid that I was going to get jumped. I mean sure if absolutely necessary I could out run a few Socs if they went after me on foot but if they had a car, which they usually do, or they managed to get a hold of me I would be screwed.

I sure was going to rip it into Ponyboy when I got home, he knew better than to leave me to walk on my own, especially after the last few weeks. I wished desperately to have someone to walk home with, I'd take any member of the gang right now, one of my brothers, Steve even though he didn't like me and I didn't like him, Two-bit even if he was really loud, Johnny even though walking with him would be like walking with a target on my back. Dallas. Oh, he would've been perfect to have by my side right now, no one in their right mind would mess with Dallas Winston or anyone with him. I'd sooner die than admit to anyone I had the biggest crush on Dally, if any of the boys found out they'd give me hell, and anyone else would tell me I was stupid and naïve. That Dally wasn't the kind of person you would want to date, that he'd just leave you heartbroken, that he wouldn't even consider someone younger than him.

"Hey greaser." Shit.

I directed my attention to the source of the noise, a tuff car with two pissed off looking socs in it. Shit, shit, shit.

"I'm not making any trouble." I spoke as clearly as I could manage, I attempted to relax my posture, make it look like I was unbothered by these boys who looked ready to kill.

"No but your brother caused some trouble, and you greasers are all the same." The soc in the driver's seat spat before climbing out of the car. I didn't wait for them to get any closer, instead I took off running faster than I thought I'd ever run. I pushed through the excruciating pain in my legs and sides, if I stopped for even a second those socs would catch me and god knows what they plan on doing to me. Risking a glance behind I saw they were slowly gaining on me, this is it I thought I'm screwed. A sudden force caused me to fall onto my back, I glanced up and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw I'd run into Dally.

"Where are you going kid?" Dallas asked his voice raising.

"Dally, please help." I gasped out gripping onto my side that was throbbing in pain. He tore his gaze from me and noticing the socs behind me took a few steps forward to put himself between the socs and me.

"You guys are on the wrong side of town." Dally growled. Those boys that looked ready to kill me a few seconds ago stopped short when they realised who was in front of them.

"Get lost Winston, otherwise it'll be two against one, you won't stand a chance." The tallest guy spat.

Dally didn't reply, he didn't need to. These socs were already clearly afraid of him, everyone on both sides of town knew not to piss off Dallas, even if they didn't Dally showing off his switchblade did the trick. He flicked it open and took a few steps towards them before they took off running, their tails between their legs.

I tried my best to steady my breathing as Dallas walked back towards me slipping his switchblade back into his pocket.

"Are you alright Riya?" He asked pulling me to my feet. I shook my head no as the tears started streaming down my face uncontrollably.

"They said they were going to hurt me because of what Pony and Johnny did Dally, I was so scared I thought for sure they were going to kill me." I gasped out through my tears, both embarrassed for crying in front of the boy I had the biggest crush on and not caring enough to stop myself.

"Hey you'll be alright, I'll walk you home." Dally spoke gently, he was clearly uncomfortable with my crying but again I didn't care enough to stop.

"Thank you, Dally, for saving me." I said wiping my face clean of tears the best I could.

"No problem, couldn't let anyone mess up your pretty little face." Dally teased starting to walk me home.

"My pretty face?"

"Don't tell anyone but you're pretty cute Riya, for Pony's twin sister."

"Gee thanks Dallas." I replied giving him a shove. He laughed before throwing an arm over my shoulder. Maybe everyone could be wrong about Dallas, maybe he could be sweet and maybe he wouldn't leave me heartbroken. Just maybe.

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