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"Go Darry! Whoo! Come on Curtis!" I screamed like a maniac from the sidelines of the football field.

Darry had just caught the ball in the game and was running to score the winning point. He was the best player on the team, everyone was counting on him to win this making our schools team undefeated all season.

"Go Darry baby!" I screamed again clapping my pom poms together. The screams and shouts from everyone melted into the background as I trained my eyes on Darry. I always had trouble concentrating on anything especially football games, but after becoming a cheerleader and sitting through a ridiculous amount of football games I had gotten better.

I could make Darry out simply by his height and build, signaling him out of the crowd of other footballers. He was so close to scoring now and the crowd seemed to go quiet as Darry ran closer, closer and closer.

A shrill whistle was blown causing the crowds to break into a cheer as Darry had scored the winning point. The footballers ran around like mad men, cheering, hugging and tackiling each other.

Us cheerleaders made our way onto the field going through a cheer we'd done at every game we'd been victorious in. I saw Darry grinning like mad as we finsihed our cheer and I made a bee line for the football star.

"You did it babe!" I squealed throwing myself into his outstretched arms.

"Yeah doll, we sure did." He grinned, his pale blue-green eyes shining bright.

"And guess what." His grin seemed to get even wider, if it were even possible.

"What?" I replied pecking his cheek.

"They've offered me a football scolarship!" He cried happily.

"Really? That's fantastic Darry! I'm so proud of you!" I cried as he smashed his lips against mine.


"There's my little cheerleader." Darry's sweet voice called from behind me as I felt arms wrap around my stomach.

"There's my big footballer." I teased reaching bac and squeezing his bicept. The girls and guys at the lunch table laughed.

"Very funny." Darry rolled his eyes before sitting beside me and pecking my lips.

Darry was warmly welcomed into our groups seats since becoming a football star despite being a greaser. Almost everyone at the table knew better now that just because Darry was marked a greaser it didn't make him any less than us.

"Are you guys coming to that party on Friday night?" Jamie, a tall bright eyed brunette asked from across the table.

"Which one?" I inquired taking a sip from my water bottle.

"The one down by the river, the beer blast." She replied.

I resisted the urger to cringe, if there's one thing I hate in this world it's alcohol. However being a Soc I had to go otherwise I'd look bad.

"Sure, wanna come Dar?" I asked forcing a smile.

"Sure." He smiled. He winked at me, his eyes sparkiling.

We'd ended up going for half an hour but we managed to slip away and walk along the river, the shouts of the other teens left far behind. Just Darry and I.


"Stop squirming would ya?" I snapped at Darry as he flinched away from the disinfectant.

"It stings." He whined.

"Think of that next time then before you go to a rumble." I rolled my eyes cleaning the cut on his lip. I handed him an ice pack for his bruised jaw as I cleared the medical kit away.

"I have to go to rumbles, no ifs, no buts." He replied sinking into his chair.

"I know Dar, now get some sleep." I pecked his forehead as he shut his eyes and curled up in the brown lounge chair.

Darry had grown up to fast since high school ended and his parents passed, now he looked like the innocent 15 year old again when I'd first met him.

That was shit.

I apologize.

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