My Worst Memory's of bellsy

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Sorry for the long wait, but I had a slight block and now i'm good.

Whenever I think of Bella, do you want to know what I think. I think of the word 'nightmare' immediately. She is horrible and cruel and people usually never see that side of her, but I do. She is cruel to me and always will be as long as she lives (hint), but I decided to change that.

I, being my brilliant self, decided to lower my metal shields and show fuckward what his 'mate' is like.

The first memory that I showed him was when I was five and bells decided that I was a threat to her, for some unknown reason.
I was drawing I'm my room when she came in and started throwing stuff at me. She threw stuff like glass and metal, whatever she can find. I got cut real bad in the end and I couldn't do anything to heal myself or else it would have been worse. Our 'mother' was not there at the time so Bella, after calling me tons of names like 'useless' and 'dumb', cut her self on the cheek a little bit and then when 'mom' came home, she would see it. And when she did, it was hell for me.

Our 'mom' came home later, much later then she was supposed to be, she saw her 'angel' Bella bleeding, and started screaming her head off about who hurt her precious 'angel'. Me, at the time, was in my room playing some random game because I was bored. This somehow made my case worse.

Our 'mother' came into my room screaming about how in about how I was a 'menace' and a 'horrible' human being for hurting her precious 'angel'. Did I forget to mention that while she was yelling at me, I was bleeding all over because I couldn't heal myself around her.

She stopped yelling at me ten minutes later because she was out of breathe or something, but to be honest, the moment she started yelling at me, I tuned it all out and starting singing lyrics to a to a Michael Jackson song.

Then, she saw that I was still bleeding from the cut and started yelling at me again! She ordered me to clean up my 'mess' and then left my room, leaving a mad me and a smirking isabella in the room.

I glared at her but she just started saying things like how ' I should have never Been born' and that I was a 'whore'. I wonder where she learned that word.see the sarcasm there.

I was so far in showing fuckward my memory that I didn't hear the bell ring, but I did notice when I wasn't in the cafeteria anymore.

I come out of my thoughts when I am pushed up against a wall.hard. I stop getting dizzy when I hear a growl and an annoying voice say"what was that?"

I push fuckward away from me and say, after making a Starbucks coffee appear in my hands because I needed it,

"that? You mean when your mate first started tormenting me? Well if you think that was bad, why don't I show you the worst memory I have of little Bellsy?"

Before he could respond, I put a hand on his head and said "enjoy" while sitting down also to see one of my worst memory ever while drinking coffee(I needed it).


I was thirteen and walking home from school while at forks and in town when suddenly I hear a sound. I get curious and look around the corner to see a little kitten that was all black and had white paws. I fell in love as soon as I saw her.

I spent the next few weeks nursing her back to health and naming her 'curious' because we both had a huge curiosity. This turned out to be really bad because Bellsy soon found out about her and got jealous because of how much animals love me and hated her. I thought it was because they couple smell the terrible smell of her personality and ogre breathe.

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