10. Sorry Not Sorry

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I sat up in a tree with Connor, Andy, and Imani. I had somehow convinced Connor and Andy to climb the tree. Imani and I used to climb trees all the time in 7th and 8th grade. We had so much fun and we still climb trees occasionally.

We sat in this tree, hanging out and having fun. We were laughing and messing around like we didn't have a care in the world. It was summer and the summertime was the time to mess around and have a grand time.

"What's it like, traveling the country?" Imani asked.

"It's fun," Andy replied. "We've met so many people and got to see so many things. It's fun and we inspire so many kids to do the same thing as us. It's fun to see those kids happy and to see their smiles."

"Have you ever done stuff like that at middle schools?" Imani asked.

Connor nodded. "Yeah, we have."

"I've never really liked young kids," I commented. "Any kids under the age of ten are little bags of shits."

"I love kids," Andy said. "My girlfriend and I are trying to have kids."

"Really?' I asked.

Andy nodded. "We've been trying for a few months. If it's a girl, it's going to Marie Lynn and if it's a boy, it's going to be Sebastian."

"Why Marie Lynn?" I asked.

"I'm French," Andy replied. "My parents immigrated over here a few years before I was born."


We hung out in the tree for a few more hours until it got darker. We left the tree and got on our bikes again. I dropped Imani off at her house before heading back to my house. We ditched our bikes in the backyard and went inside. My parents were home and they greeted us when we walked in.

"There's dinner on the table, by the way," Dad commented as we walked by.

"Thanks," I said as we went into the kitchen.

We all sat down at the table and started eating. Aaron soon joined us but he was sitting there quietly, sulking. He was eating slowly too.

We finished up and Andy helped me with the dishes. Andy and I were joking around while cleaning up. Andy was actually a really cool guy. I didn't realize it until then. I never talked to him enough to actually know him more. The more we talked, the more he felt like a brother I never had.

We finished up and joined the others outside on the porch. Spork was sitting on the railing with his eyes closed, enjoying the sun. I gave Spork a head scratch before sitting between Andy and Connor.

"What's your cat's name, by the way?" Andy asked.


Connor laughed. "Why Spork?"

I chuckled. "Because when we got him as a kitten, he had this weird obsession with sporks, so we just named him that."

"Spork is the funniest name I've ever heard for a cat," Connor commented, shaking his head.

"I knew someone who named their cat Concrete," Aaron said quietly.

I laughed. "Why? That's an awful name!"

"Says the person who named their cat Spork," Connor pointed out.

I made little handguns. "You got me there. But why Concrete?"

"Because the cat was the same color as concrete," Aaron replied, lighting a blunt.

I covered my face a little, trying to keep the smoke away. "So what do you guys want to do?"

"Don't you have your graduation tomorrow?" Andy asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "Are you guys coming?"

"Of course," Connor said, giving me a side hug. "You're our friend. We got to support you."

I smiled. "Thanks, guys."

We sat out on the porch, watching the sunset. I rested my head on Andy's shoulder. He kissed the top of my head.

"Isn't Portland beautiful?" Andy asked.

I nodded. "I love it here."

"Then why don't you stay?" Aaron asked.

"Fuck off, bitch," I snapped.

"Why you gotta be that way, Aaron?" Connor asked.

"She's leaving me!" Aaron exclaimed.

Connor smacked Aaron's shoulder hard. "Shut up, man! Cody's allowed to do whatever she wants without you dictating her life!"

Aaron huffed and turned away, crossing his arms. Connor and Andy sat there, glaring at Aaron for a bit.

Connor turned his gaze and lit up a cigar. He sat there, smoking silently. He puffed quietly, staring at the horizon. Andy lit one up too and started smoking as well.

Spork jumped down from the railing and walked inside. I pet him as he walked. The sun was already mostly gone when I went inside, leaving the guys behind.

I was in my room cleaning when there was a knock on the door. I didn't pay it any mind when I called out. I looked over and saw Aaron standing there, looking awkward.

I placed a hand on my hip. "Yes?"

"I just came to say I'm sorry," Aaron said. "I didn't mean to be so selfish. You're a strong, independent ass woman who can whatever she wants."

"Damn right," I said, tossing a shirt into a basket.

"I didn't mean to be rude, Cody," Aaron said, reaching out and grabbing my arm. "Really, I'm sorry."

I yanked my arm free from Aaron's grip. "Don't touch me!" I glared at Aaron. "You still don't have my trust anymore. Not for a while."

"Cody, I'm sorry!"

"No shit, Sherlock! You still don't have my trust and saying sorry isn't going to fix anything. Fuck off."

Aaron looked hurt, but I didn't care. He backed out of the room and closed the door behind him. I kept cleaning, mumbling angrily to myself. Not long afterward, Andy came in and gave me a hug without saying anything.

He was hugging me tightly for a while. I didn't realize I was crying until Andy pulled away and wiped my tears away.

"It's okay, Cody, it's okay," Andy comforted. "Don't cry over his dumbass."

"You're his friend though."

Andy wiped my face again. "I still know he's a dumbass. You still don't to cry over him. You don't need anyone right now. Especially not someone like him."

I laughed. "Thanks, Andy."

Andy gently kissed my forehead. "I'd do anything for a friend like you."

I squeezed Andy's shoulders. "I'm glad I have a friend like you."

Andy smiled tightly. "Anything."

Andy left and I flopped on my bed. I couldn't deal with Aaron right now. He was too rude and he was being a bitch. I liked him a lot, but he was rude and he didn't respect my dreams. I didn't want to be with someone who didn't do that. Ain't nobody got time for that.

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