2. The New Crew

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The assembly ended soon and I got up, grabbing my backpack and my board. I headed for the stairs but hesitated for a moment when I saw Aaron. He was standing by a table, surrounded by a crowd of students.

I went up to him and stood on the edge of the group of kids and waited for most of the people to leave. He saw me and smiled. I smiled too and walked up to him.

"Hey, Cody," Aaron greeted.

"Hey, Aaron. Can I take a picture?" I asked.

"Yeah, definitely. Come here," Aaron said.

When I got closer to him, he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him. He actually smelled really good. He took my phone out of my hand and snapped a few pictures. He leaned over and kissed my temple for the last picture. He held my phone for a little longer than I wished he did.

"Check your contacts, please," he whispered in my ear as he held out my phone.

I pursed my lips, feeling unsure as I took back my phone back. He smiled at me. I returned the smile and walked off. He called out a goodbye. I shot a look over my shoulder as I hurried up the stairs, not wanting to be late for my next class.

I ran out of the new gym and headed for the main building. I hated being late for anything. I pulled up my contacts, wondering what Aaron did. I opened one of the doors to the main building. Aaron had added his number. I was confused as to why he would do that. I was nothing special. I was average looking and wasn't noteworthy. As I hurried to the stairs to the second floor, I texted him.

Is this Aaron, from the assembly? - Me

It only took him a few seconds to respond.

Yes. Sorry for adding my number without asking - Aaron

It's okay. I really don't mind - Me

Still. I just couldn't resist a cute face ;) - Aaron

Aww. You think I'm cute? - Me

I was out of breath when I got to the top of the stairs. I slowed my speed a little as I strolled into my science class. My science teacher didn't allow phones in his class so I powered off mine off and tucked it away in my pocket, not even bothering to see if Aaron answered back.

I ducked into the classroom and slid into the spot next to my friend, Chloe. It was just a work day in that class, I had time to finish some missing assignments. I tapped my fingers against the desk. This class always seemed to drag on. About five minutes before the bell, I turned to Chloe.

"Dude guess what?" I asked.

"What?" Chloe asked.

"I got Aaron's number. He was one of the guys from the assembly," I replied.

Chloe gasped. "Really? Which one was he?"

"He was the one that laid next to me when they had Connor jump over us," I replied.

"Oh. He was cute, but I liked Connor better," Chloe commented.

I shrugged. "I didn't think he was all that attractive, but you do you, booboo. You do realize he's like, 28, right?"

Chloe hesitated for a moment before saying, "Yes, I do. But 10 years isn't much of a difference, is it?"

"Age doesn't matter honey. You know I definitely won't judge," I replied.

Chloe tilted her head to the side. "You're saying it like something's going to happen."

"Girl, I have Aaron's number. Anything could happen."

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