4. Coming Back

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He definitely liked what my mom had said. We made plans and I was excited. It would be a few days until they showed up. I knew that Chloe liked Connor, so I obviously told her that they were coming over.

Dude, I have those three guys from the assembly spend some time at my house this weekend - Me

What?! Since when? - Chloe

Since earlier today. You want to come to hang out when they come over? It's going to be fun and Connor's going to be there - Me

Then yes, I'll be there - Chloe

I laughed. Chloe was most definitely going to try and talk to Connor.

Of course, you'll be there. I'll tell you when they get here - Me

I turned on some music and spent most of my time on Twitter, waiting for my parents to get home. I had gotten a message from both Aaron and Chloe, but I didn't look at the messages. Eventually, I checked the message from Chloe.

Good. I really want to talk to Connor - Chloe

Really? I would've never thought - Me

Don't be sarcastic with me, Cody - Chloe

Make me - Me

Chloe didn't answer, so I let it be. I walked out of my room and into my kitchen. My parents were at work and since I was an only child, I was home alone.

I can't wait to see you, darling - Aaron

I blushed and giggled. I've been called darling before, but it was special coming from Aaron. I placed a hand over my heart, coming to a realization. I might like Aaron.

I can't wait either. I miss you - Me

I quickly checked Chloe's message.

Hey - Chloe

I sent a quick response to Chloe and went back out into the kitchen. I made breakfast and sat at the table, watching YouTube videos. I had watched a few videos when Aaron texted me.

All three of us miss you, Cody. Can we FaceTime soon? - Aaron

Yeah, just let me finish eating - Cody

It was a few minutes before I finished my food. I ditched my plate in the sink, telling myself that I'll do the dishes later. I didn't want to stay inside all day so I decided to go to the skatepark. I didn't want to to do any skateboarding this time, so I just left on my bike. While I was heading over there, I called Aaron on FaceTime. I knew I had time because the skate park was a bit away.

The call was picked up, but instead of Aaron, it was Andy. He smiled when he saw me. Then he frowned.

"Where the fuck are you? And what the fuck are you doing?" Andy asked.

"I'm going to the skate park. And you?" I asked.

"We're driving into Oregon right now," Andy replied.

"Where's Aaron? Isn't he with you?" I asked.

"He's asleep and I know his password. I was just about to text you when you called," Andy replied.

"Why would you text me? It's Aaron's phone," I said, looking ahead.

"Because I can. I believe we might make it to your house sometime today, right, Connor?" Andy asked.

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