1. The Assembly

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I paused, listening to the music playing in my typing class. I hated this class so much. I sighed and kept typing. This class was boring a majority of the time and I hated it. I just couldn't wait until the end of the class. We had an assembly after this in replace of the study hall we had every day. I had no idea what the assembly was about, but if it got me out of class then I was happy.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. I grabbed my backpack and my board before I left. I hurried for the basketball pit. Shoving through the crowds of kids, I sped down the stairs and headed for the bleachers where the seniors were supposed to sit. When I got there, I set my stuff and sat down in the front row.

Tapping my fingers gently against the board, I took the time to look around. There was a ramp in the middle of the room and a DJ looking thing near the back of the room. There was a guy in a white shirt, black skinny jeans, and a gray beanie behind the stand, messing around with the stuff on it.

My attention was drawn to another guy who was heading over to me on a BMX bike. I couldn't tell how tall he was but he was quite attractive. He had the most beautiful green-blue eyes and I couldn't tell what his hair was like since it was hidden behind in his helmet. I smiled kindly at him when he got closer. He sat there, watching the crowd. I'd sometimes catch his gaze, but he'd look away.

"Are you going to say anything or just sit there?" I asked when he looked at me again.

He sighed, almost as if he was annoyed, and said, "I'm Aaron. Sorry for not saying anything. I was trying to think of something clever to say."

I snorted. "Why would you be nervous around someone like me?"

"Well, you're really pretty," Aaron said.

I laughed. "That's it? I thought you'd have more reasons to be nervous."

Before Aaron could answer, the guy behind the DJ stand started speaking into the mic. I looked around, realizing that the gym had filled with students and teachers. Aaron looked back at me.

"I gotta go. I'll see you after the assembly, okay?" Aaron said.

"Yeah. I'll see you then," I replied.

He rode off, leaving me to watch the assembly. A girl beside me leaned over to me. I recognized her as Jasmine, who sits next to me in my typing class.

"He's cute, isn't he?" She asked.

A confused look crossed my face briefly as I looked at her, and replied, "I guess."

"'I guess?' He's hella cute," Jasmine said.

I shrugged and looked at the bikers. The announcer guy was walking around, talking as Aaron and the other biker finish some tricks and start waiting for the next part. My gaze met Aaron's and he winked at me.

My face grew hot as I stared at him like a deer in the headlights. He smirked and chuckled, looking away to continue watching the show. Jasmine nudged me.

"He likes you," she whispered.

"No, he doesn't," I shot back.

"Yeah, he does. He keeps looking at you. He's looking at you right now,"Jasmine whispered.

I glanced over at him and he looked away quickly. A small smile flashed on my face. Jasmine next to me laughed.

"You should talk to him afterward. Maybe get his number," Jasmine said.

Before I could answer, the announcer interrupted me, "Hello, guys! Before we actually start, let me introduce the crew! I'm Andy and I'm 29, the oldest one here. Next is Connor, who's 28. The youngest is Aaron, who's 22. We all have been riding bikes for years and are pretty good at it. We'll show you what we got!"

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