Getting home

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So you and Tord pulled into the driveway andTord got out of the car and he opened your door so you could get out and you got out and he got yor luggage and yall went inside

Tords pov:

Y/n walked in the house and she got greeted boy Matt and Edd and Tom was sitting on the couch and he waved.

-Welcome home commie

-don't call me that! And by the way I brought my sister here

Matt was admiring himself in the mirror and y/n looked around and cough to get evrones attention and I pulled y/n beside me

-Tom will you give her a tore of the house please

-tom groaned and got up and looked at you and went bugged eyed and looked at tord

-well Tom go while I get her room ready

-whatever Tord

Toms pov:

I walked y/n around the house and I greeted her to Matt and Edd until Tord called y/n to come see her new room so we went to see her room and Matt was trying to be first and I pushed him out of the way to let y/n go in to her room. Y/n started to spin and get all jumpy and she hugged Tord and I smiled a little but no one could noticed and I drank from my bottle of Smirnoff and I went back downstairs to watch tv.

y/n pov:

I saw Tom walk downstairs and I looked at Tord and he told me not to worry hes like this most of the time. But then you relised it was near Christmas and you wanted to decorate so you ask the guys if they wanted to decorate and they grabbed boxes full of Christmas stuff and all of yall got to work except one person.....Tom. He started to complain and Tord started agervating Tom and I started laughing and me and Matt put up the Christmas tree and matt lifted you up and you put the star (or angle) ontop of the tree and you pluged in the thing for the light and evrone smile and Tom went to his room.

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