437 19 14

"I have something to tell you, Sandra," says Chance as he loses his smile to have an emotionless face. I have an idea of what he's going to do, but I don't think further about it as I watch and listen closely to what's going to happen.

"Yes...?" Sandra says and I have the feeling that he hasn't asked her out to homecoming yet and so, that's what she thinks he's going to possibly tell her.

Chance let's go of her hands and step back a few steps. "I think we need a break," as he says this, not only do Sandra and the girls all gasp, but I also gasp along with them in shock.

He did not just say that... I'm imagining things.

"You did not just say that," Sandra says, clearly saying my thoughts out loud. She looks to Lindsey and Amy, "Did I hear that correctly, or am I just hearing things incorrectly?"

"You heard that correctly," says Lindsey, and Amy nods her head at what Lindsey said.

Suddenly, Sandra starts to fume, her face turning red like she's about to burst into flames. "You can't do that, Chance!" she says this with a lot of anger in her tone, "Homecoming is on Friday! You clearly can't break up with me!"

"Oh, yes I can," Chance says, bringing that smile back to his face, causing Sandra to fume even further with glaring eyes, that if they could kill, they would kill him right on the spot.

"Argh!" she screams, pulling at her perfectly combed, long hair only to now mess it up. Tears start to flow down her face, making black streaks of mascara stain her cheeks and eyes.

"I'm sorry, Sandra, but it's not going to work out between us," Chance says, his eyes wandering around the hall to slightly land on me. Yes, slightly, because he doesn't want Sandra to notice and fume even more.

Too bad for him, that did not work out...

"Is it because of... of... her!?" Sandra's hand whirls around to point her finger at me. I'm not quick enough to turn away, and I know this because she storms from across the hall, over to my side of the hall.

"It's not because of her!" I hear Chance yell.

Sandra stops in front of me with her hands in clenched fists. I internally cringe at how she looks right now. She has pulled at hair that looked so perfect earlier, eyes that are soaked with tears pouring uncontrollably, and she basically looks like a cat that hates having showers. I've never seen her this way and I thought I would never live to see a day like this.

"I warned you to stay away from him!" she says, her eyes feeling like daggers piercing my own, "...but clearly, you haven't!"

I cringe, again, as I avert my eyes to look somewhere else other than her. She's in the worst state right now, and I'm afraid I might burst out laughing at her if I see another tear streak down her face. I guess that may sound mean, but hey, she's the mean one here.

"Look at me, you freak!" she says, and I turn my head to look at her with my eyes calm.

I've learned that it's better to stay calm than to get angry with the person yelling at you.

Sandra looks like she's on the edge of bursting into flames of fire and burning me along with Chance in her flames.

Before I know it, I'm shoved against my own locker, now developing an aching pain in my back. Seriously, do these people like shoving others against lockers? First, it was Chad, who didn't really want to do it, but did it because Sandra told him to do so. Then Sandra, who literally just shoved me against a locker two times now.

I try to keep my cool, but the rage to just get back up and shove her against the locker, bugs me. I look up at her to see that she's smirking through all her tears, happy that she's done something to hurt me, just like how she's emotionally hurt right now.

I glare at her, causing her to notice and glare back. I watch as she takes a few steps closer to me and gets ready to probably pull at my mask, causing me to quickly get up and step away.

She growls and I can just see and hear how emotionally wrecked she is, and it's all because of Chance.

Does she really like him, or is she just crying over him because she just wanted him to go out with her to homecoming?

All of a sudden, Chance is standing in between us and I haven't noticed the crowd that has gathered behind us.

"Sandra, I think you should calm down... Nothing was real between us, and you know it," Chance says and I almost let out a sigh, knowing that he's just fueled her anger.

Sandra's face is so red that I thought that it couldn't turn a shade darker, but it has, and this only causes me to step back a little.

"Stop it! Ugh!" Sandra yells.

Before she could pounce on us both, the janitor, that helped me on my first day at this school, comes in between Sandra, Chance, and I. He doesn't seem to be much of a talker when he unexpectedly grabs Sandra by her wrists and twist them behind her back, she screams in pain. Chance stands back as Sandra sends him daggers. Sandra then looks to me and just stares at me with a small smile.

She's officially crazy.

"Come on. Let's go," the janitor moves Sandra in the direction of the front office, pushing through the crowd. As they turn the corner into another hallway, I can't help but feel relief.

The crowd slowly parts and I look to the other side of the hall to find Lindsey and Amy staring at me and Chance with shocked expressions. Their expressions then change back to normal and they start walking away down the hall.

I turn around when I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

"That was pretty crazy," Chance laughs, cracking up.

I take out my phone and start typing. This is not funny... Now my life in high school is going to be even worst, I say.

Chance looks at the message, then smiles at me. "Why would it be worst when you've done nothing to her? That girl is quite insane... What did I even see in her?" he says, trying hard to contain his laughter.

I frown, deeply, though he's not able to see it. Well, you see, she thinks you... uh... like me or something, and maybe that's the reason why you broke up with her. I mean, anyone would go insane if their boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with them... so... I text him, deciding not to answer his last question, thinking maybe that it's a question that he asked himself.

Chance laughs even harder while I stare at him with a serious expression.

It seems as if he's never going to stop laughing, so I turn around and start walking away, knowing that I'm really late for class. The teacher is probably through half the lesson.

Before I could turn the corner at the end of the hall, I hear Chance yell, "Come to my house after school," and I make a mental note of that.

* * *


Hey!!! So, I've published a chapter... Woohoo!! Again, it took me two weeks to get a chapter out. *sigh* At least this chapter is almost 2000 words long :D

What do you think of Chance breaking up with Sandra? I'm happy about it, but Annie doesn't seem to be... or maybe she is... LOL.

Thank you very much for reading! Leave a vote if you liked the chapter, and also, leave your comments for me to read!!

- Tanya <3

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