Chapter 16- Christine and Kisses

Start from the beginning

The frozen surface beneath their feet seemed to melt away as the boys continued to walk, the high street laid out around them lacking its usual energy, but the warmth that the teenagers felt could rival even the most chilling of winter nights. A few quiet moments passed between each conversation, every so often somebody beginning a new one, the two embracing the comfortable silence each time.

"My first and only pet was my old goldfish," Jonah began another random conversation between the two of them, "I've never had another fish or any other animal since he died."

"That's actually really sad," Connor spoke through light laughter, looking back up at his boyfriend's smile, "I cannot even imagine life without Dennis, and we've only had him a few months."

The taller male's interest was piqued at the mention of the tiny kitten, turning back to the boy at his side. "How old is he? He's tiny."

"Only six months old. We got him in October," Connor explained, smiling at the thought of his feline friend; the only friend he had at one point, "and I couldn't live without him now," he admitted, thinking of this last thought.

Jonah laughed, exhaling deeply through his nose and watching as a faint, white puff floated up from his face. "I'm surprised you didn't get a pet sooner, considering you said you've been lonely for a few years."

"Doesn't matter now," the longer-haired boy smiled, stopping both of them dead in their tracks as he took a long stride forward, then stood in front of his taller classmate, smiling up at him, taking his hands gently, "because this feels pretty good to me."

"You don't mind that your first relationship is with a guy? Or the fact that said guy is me?"

The shorter male shook his head, looking up at the student he now called his boyfriend, a wider smile coming to his lips as he thought of this, their relationship suddenly seeming much more 'real' to him; serious and still blossoming. As they made eye contact again, both of the students felt that same feeling as before, a pull towards the other, temptation to keep edging closer until...

"Is it still too soon? I don't want to sound weird," Jonah scratched the back of his neck awkwardly as he spoke, addressing the situation that they both found themselves in, "but at the same time, I really, really want to."

Nodding his head, Connor admitted to himself that it was the exact same for him, though he blamed this reaction to the idea on the lack of romantic partners he'd had. Now that the chance was right in front of him, waiting to be taken, remembered and treasured, he desperately wanted to do all of those things; reach out and grab the chance, hold on with all he's got and claim the moment for his own.
"After this week, we're off school for Christmas, Connor rightfully pointed out, "so we'll have plenty of time to progress-given that we haven't already by the coming weekend," he added with a light laugh.

"I'll just fantasise about it for now," Jonah pretended to sigh, still facing the smaller boy with a smile, "like I have been for some time."
Connor's face flushed at this confession, his lips parting as if he were about to say something, but all that came out was a slightly strained laugh, and the boy became very flustered very easily. His smile wasn't on his face for long, however, as following his laugh, there came a suddenly very sharp sensation in his throat, rising from his lungs to produce some dreadful, violent coughs and sputters. His lungs felt insanely deprived for a short while as he hunched over, his hands cupped over his mouth while Jonah placed his hands very gently on his shoulders, calling his name in panic.
"Connor?" he called out, "Connor, are you okay?" Even he saw it as a stupid question- it was obvious that Connor was not okay by the amount of time he spent choking, doubled over, his insides feeling like they were performing flips and high jumps every time he did so much as croak. His choking, his forced sounds and his horrible wretching stirred immense alarm, Jonah standing helplessly, not knowing what to do as he witnessed another coughing fit, of which he'd not seen or heard for some time now. As it finally stopped, his breaths still heavy, his mouth dry and his lungs desperate for air, Connor forced himself upright, his expression pained before he forced a weak and apologetic smile, seeing the fear on Jonah's face.

"Are you okay?" he asked again, now somewhat calm.

"Yeah," Connor croaked, his voice hoarse and rough. He cleared his throat, coughing once more before repeating, "yeah, I'm fine."

The darker-haired male removed his hands from his shoulders, taking his hand gently in his own. "Do you want to sit down somewhere? Do you want to go home?"

"I'm fine!" Connor insisted.

"That was not fine, Connor, it was terrifying."

Arguing with Jonah on this seemed pointless. If he had worried so much, Connor was flattered, but the feeling of heaving and a dry throat passed as he took a few deep and clear breaths, thus he saw no reason to keep dwelling on it. "Jonah, please. I'm okay."

"At the very least," he began immediately, "I buy you some coffee to keep you hydrated, yeah?"

"Sounds like a plan."

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