Chapter 11

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I looked behind me. Nobody was there. So I pushed to door to the occult club open. "Ayano. Thank you for joining our humble club." Oko was standing In the middle of the room. You made me! I thought of saying but I bit the words back. "We are about to start, we will be-" "summoning a demon, yeah I know." Oko threw a robe into my hands. "Come." He whispered, before sitting cross legged on the floor. The door opened and the rest of the club members slunk in. They glanced at me before sitting down. The meeting went like it normally did. But I was shaking the whole time, terrorfied of fungirl abducting me or something. But it went smoothly and was over before I knew it. "You have done well." Oko whispered. "but we didn't summon anything. We will try again next week." The other member left the room, each muttering goodbyes to Oko, but nobody said anything to me. "W-wanna help me clean up?" Oko asked me. I looked around. Nothing was out of place. Oko started moving random books around the room. "Those books go over here." He said, and winced when I picked them up, thinking about putting them back later. "I have something I have to say to you," he said softly. I looked up. "You don't actually  have to move those books, it was just an excuse." He added. I put the books back down as he started talking. "Well, there was this creepy boy that wanted to talk to me..." I jerked around. "What?! Did he have red eyes? Black hair...?" "Yes, he did. And he told me to stay away from you. Sh-should I?" "Yes." I said, moving foward. "Yes. You must. Please. You don't understand. Don't talk to me. Don't talk about me. Don't show any sign that we've met." "But.." Oko gasped, his eyes widening, "but why?" "I can't tell you." I replied. "He could be listening right now."Oko looked around frantically. "Go." I whispered. "Don't talk to me. Ever again." My eyes felt slightly wet. Stupid emotion. Oko backed away. "I won't forget you," he declared, over-dramatically. "I promise." "I know." I muttered. Oko placed his hand on the door. He looked back at me one last time. Then he ran away. 

Agh, I'm no good at writing romance. But meehhhh why would I need to? Anyhoo, I'm not keeping my "every Sunday" rule. But pfft who needs it? Expect chapters at random! Although, I want to finish this book, so I can get another one out. 4 words, starts with D ends in B ;)

Baka, out!

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