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"It was long day" telling myself when i was working on my assignment , forgotten last night. School went well and my friends apologize for yesterday, Day was fine.  I am busy doing my assignment, then my phone's vibrate but i was so busy because there is no time left, i have to complete it in 2 days any how.

Its 2am "Time goes faster than i think" went to the kitchen , starving right now. "Lets see if there is something to eat, i dont wanna eat veggies but". Then mom came "Amy, do you need something" She must be sleeping, shit amy you woke her up. "No,Mom i am fine, don't worry, just searching for something to eat where is my cookies you know i want something for my midnight cravings and while studying my cravings are like on highest peak, lol" laughing like kid, telling my mom while searching for the cookies. "Amy you should sleep now its 2 am and cookies finished yesterday  remember you and steve ate all the cookies" she is saying while going back to her room. "And also your phone buzzing continuously, it's too late who is calling you" she is asking me now. "I don't know mom might be my friends calling for the assignment, dont worry i m going to sleep now" giving a smile to her. " She nodded “I will go for grocery shopping tomorrow, now go back to sleep". Though i told her that my friends must be calling but I know they usually don't call me this late until there is no emergency or something important, they must be busy with new site and why would they call, we have already discussed about our assignment but i didn't say anything to mom. "Yaa, Goodnight mom" she said goodnight, the came back to my room but still thinking, who was calling me.  


You have got 5 missed calls. “WTF”..

"Who is that now" its from same number instead of one call. Should i call then i feel like someone throw a brick on my head and my memory comes back "Him, no he can't be ". Talking to myself, no Amy you are overthinking may be someone just dialled it by mistake, but for four times, it can be from anyone and i just dialled back.

Unknown caller : "Hello" From other side.

Amy : "Hello, actually i've got a call from this number, sorry can you tell me, who is this."

Unknown caller : "Princess, you must be sleeping, with whom you were talking to". I know this familiar name, its him, its JAMES and i got freezed for second.

Amy : Breathing fast then i try to speak but there is gulp in my throat i am trying but my voice isnt coming out. "Ya..Ye...yes" i said with lowest tone like i am speaking to myself only.

Unknown caller (James) : "What happen princess, you there or already fainted". He is bloody smirking I can tell it by listening to his voice.

Amy : oh god ohh god, help me, i pinch myself as if it is a nightmare but NO, its reality, fuck i know this site can be very dangerous but why with me, okay amy got some courage and tell him to stop calling you otherwise you go to the cops, just lie to him though i won't go but just try because, there is nothing you should be afraid of, you are all grown up girl and can take care of yourself, talk to him and tell him not to call you again. "I..I.. Yes i mean , NO, i am in all my senses and you should not call me this late". what amy, seriously he should not call you this late, this late, fucking scold him he shouldn't call you ever,  go and tell him you can do it. "Uhmmm.. I Mean you cannot call me, how dare you"

James : "Again, i've already told you stop talking to me like that now you making me angry with your little mouth which speaks more than it should but i know how to shut it up."

Amy : "What, What, what do you mean, look whoever you are i dont care now, next time if you call me i assure you,  will go to the cops". i won't do that but trying so he won't call me again.

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