He stomped away and threw himself down in a chair, scowling at Mitch's smiling face. How could he do that to him, especially when everyone knew how much he needed that food?

"It's only food. Didn't you get my Lord of the Rings reference? I made that just for you, and you don't appreciate it." Mitch pouted.

"That food was just for me, and I don't appreciate you eating it." Avi crossed his arms and turned away. Maybe it was an over-reaction, but now he was hangry, dammit.

"You made Daddy angry, Mitchy. You might have to be punished," Scott said, pointing at Avi. "Can I watch?"

"Will you stop calling me that?" Avi snapped.

"Yeah, Scott, I'm the only one that gets to call him daddy."

Avi thought his head might explode. He took some deep breaths. Maybe they should just get takeout, and he should write his name on the box next time.


"What the hell do you want now?" he growled.

"Language," Kevin called out.

Mitch went over to Avi. "Sorry I ate your food."


"And I won't do it again."

"And?" Avi deepened his frown in what he hoped was a menacing way.

"And - and I'll make it up to you."


"I'll buy you dinner."


Avi pretended to consider, but he had accepted the apology immediately. He just wanted to push his luck, and it turned out better than he could have hoped.

"Okay, you buy me dinner." He looked up at Mitch, keeping his brows down. "But I get to choose where."

Mitch shivered delicately, one hand to his throat. "That look Avi, you're scaring me. And I love it."

"Date night, date night," Kirstie chanted, and Scott joined in before clapping his hands for quiet.

"Okay lovebirds, let's get back to work."

At the end of another successful studio session, Avi drank water and watched Mitch talking with Scott. Several days had passed since the whole leftovers incident, and Avi was keen to fix the details of the meal he'd been promised. Well, not so much promised as extorted with menaces, but it was good to keep people guessing. Although he was pretty chill about most things, he had a few deal breakers. Food stealing was right up there with rudeness and dragon denial.

He waited until Scott moved away. He swore that boy never left Mitch's side for more than a minute, but he saw his chance, and swooped in.

"So Mitch, about that dinner you owe me. I thought we could try the Lebanese place, heard good things about it."

"Wow. You don't forget do you?"

"Not where food is concerned. My diary is pretty open at the moment."

"Okay then." Mitch checked his phone. "How about next Thursday at seven thirty?"

"Sounds perfect."

"Can Scott come? I don't like to leave him alone, he's lost without me."

"No I'm not." Scott returned and put his arms round both their shoulders. "But I'll happily third wheel and chaperone and take photos, all that good stuff. Where we going?"

Lean on Me - Mavi (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now