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Good morning loves! How was your day/week/weekend?

I saw Black Panther yesterday, and let me tell you. What a fabulous, Afrocentric, unapologetically BLACK movie. For me as a storyteller, much to learn about interlocking and mirroring narratives. For me as a moviegoer, gripping action, gorgeous actors showing skin, beautiful costumes and jewellery... and my queen Lupita. *happy sigh*

And PTX new material is coming s**n! (excuse my language but ExCiTeD)

I have much to say.

Anyway, moving on. Life isn't all fun and games. Get ready, because here comes sad!Avi and protective!Mitch.

I listened to Bridge over Troubled Water while writing this - recommended if you want to feel the feels.

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Another interview, another sofa. Pentatonix arranged themselves and prepared to smile through another round of the same old questions. Mitch thought Avi looked a little distant, but maybe it was just boredom that barely leaked past his professional mask. Avi had his hands clasped in front of him and his eyes fixed on a point just over the interviewer's shoulder. Mitch glanced over at Avi as he smiled politely, his beard still long but oiled and trimmed, while studio lights picked out highlights on his glossy hair in its severe bun. He was altogether the picture of control, his stance upright but not rigid.

Mitch listened attentively to Scott field questions about the new album and upcoming tour. Nobody expected any surprises.

"So, guys, I hear you have a hero among you," the interviewer said, leaning forward.

"Excuse me?" Scott replied with a slight frown, still smiling. "A hero?"

"But of course, you're too modest to talk about your bandmate. I hear someone rescued a little girl from an auto accident. Isn't that right, Avi?'"

Everyone turned his way, and Mitch saw the smile freeze on his face.

Avi looked down and cleared his throat. "Well, I wouldn't call it heroic," he began quietly. "My dad and I saw the crash, and naturally we helped out. It's what anyone would have done."

"And of course, you know first hand what that's like-"

"Avi would never stand by and not help someone in need," Mitch put in. "We heard she's doing great, the emergency services do such a fine job of helping people in crisis. Those are the really important professionals." He flashed a winning smile at the interviewer, who he noticed was actually rather cute.

"You are absolutely right, though many people say how much Pentatonix has helped them too." The interviewer focused on Mitch and the questions moved on to the fans and the healing power of music.

Lean on Me - Mavi (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now